Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,36

she could do was wait. Just as she turned to go in the same direction Uri had earlier, her phone rang. She answered without looking.


“No, it’s me. Urijah has been arrested.” Banyan’s ire came through loud and clear.

“Arrested? For what?”

“He doesn’t know. He is sitting in an interrogation room where he’s been since they took him in. If it wasn’t for our ability to speak with our minds, I wouldn’t know that. I’m on my way to the station now.”

“I’ll call for a ride since I don’t have the keys to his car.”

“No. I want you to go inside somewhere crowded and wait. Travis is on his way with Dacey to pick you up. Uri told me where the salon is.”

“B, what the hell is going on?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find the fuck out. This shit is getting on my last nerve.”

“Calm down, B. I don’t need you in jail with your mate. I’ll call Travis and let him know I’ll be waiting in Johan’s.”

“Okay. I’ll call you as soon as I know something. Watch your surroundings, Brynna. I don’t like any of this.”

“I will. Love you, B.”

“Love you too.” Banyan disconnected, and Brynna dialed Travis’s number while she walked to the pub. She needed a drink or five.

Travis knew something was wrong by the way Banyan froze in mid-conversation with the contractors. Dag and Dustin Andersen were twin Gargoyles. The only way Travis could tell them apart was by the length of their hair. Dag’s was longer. Other than that? They were identical in every way including the sound of their voices and the way they smiled. It was almost eerie. The twins waited while Banyan concentrated on what Travis figured to be Urijah’s voice in his head.

“Godsdamnit!” Banyan stood so quickly his chair tipped over backward. “I’m going to have to cut this meeting short, I’m afraid. My mate has been arrested. The police won’t tell him what for. He’s just sitting in an interrogation room and has been for almost an hour. Travis, Brynna needs you, but with all that’s going on, I don’t feel safe sending you alone. I’m going to call one of Uri’s brothers to go with you.”

“Where is she?”

“Getting her nails done. Uri walked down to a pub to wait, but he was detained before he could tell her what was going on or give her the keys to the car. I need to go, so please wait here. I’ll call you when I know which brother is available.”

“We can wait here with Travis,” Dustin offered.

“I appreciate that. We’ll reschedule as soon as I get my mate home.”

“Don’t worry about that. We both know mates come first. Now, go get your male.”

Urijah’s brother Dacey was the one who showed up at the manor. After promising Marcie he’d have Brynna call when they were on their way home, Travis and the male headed out. Before Travis could call Brynna, his phone rang.

“Bryn? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just worried about Uri.” Brynna gave him the name and address of where she was waiting, and he promised they’d be there as soon as possible.

“I love you, Princess. Please stay safe.”

“I love you too, Trav.”

“Does Brynna make you call her Princess?” Dacey asked once Travis hung up.

“No. Even if she weren’t royalty, that’s what I’d call her, because to me, she’s everything a princess should be. Tough, smart, funny, fearless.”

“Not stunningly beautiful?”

“She is that, but that doesn’t define her. Brynna is so much more than her looks.”

Dacey smiled, and their conversation turned to all that had been happening since Travis and the others arrived in Norway. When Travis mentioned Uri being arrested, Dacey’s fangs dropped, and Travis was afraid the male was going to wreck.

“Banyan neglected to tell me that bit of information. All he said was he needed to go get Uri. I knew the Greeks were hellbent on revenge, but this is worse than coming out swinging with a sword.”

“It is. And this feels different to me. I’ve been around the Clan long enough to hear all their stories. If this is Drago, he has someone helping him, because most of what’s been done to us has been electronically with the exception of Banyan and Brynna feeling like someone is watching them.”

“Why didn’t Uri call us before now? He knows we’ll all have his back.”

“He probably didn’t want to put you in danger. I know I would do everything within my power to protect Trevor. Before this, the threat wasn’t serious. It Copyright 2016 - 2024