Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,34

the stories to their kids. And who knows? Maybe while you’re writing, you’ll remember something you were most passionate about and want to revisit doing it.”

“That’s a good idea. And don’t think I haven’t noticed you bringing up children more than once. That’s something you really want, isn’t it?”

“It is. I can just imagine little blonde-headed girls running around swinging plastic swords while wearing dresses and tiaras.” Brynna laughed out loud, the sound filling Travis’s heart. “Trevor and I are the last of the McKenzies. Even though he and Jasper want kids, they’ll be Jenkinses. I’d hate for my father’s name to stop with me.”

Brynna leaned forward and turned on the hot water, swirling it with the cooler water in the tub. “I know you’re estranged from your mom, but I’d like to meet your father one day. See who you get your good heart from.”

It hurt Travis to think about his mother and the way she treated Trevor over the years. He doubted he’d ever forgive her, but his father was trying to make amends, and that was all he could ask for. “He’s going to love you.”

“How do you know?” Brynna turned the tap off and leaned back against Travis’s chest.

Travis moved Brynna’s hair off her shoulder so he could kiss the golden skin there. “Because I love you, and he’ll see how happy you make me.”

So much for it being too soon.

Chapter Eight

Travis’s declaration of love lifted Brynna’s spirits even higher than the pep talk he’d given her. After they climbed out of the tub, he made love to her. Travis was the best mix of sweet and dominant. Outside the bedroom, they were partners in every sense of the word, but when they were in bed? He took control, always giving her exactly what she needed, how she needed it. As she lay awake in his arms that night, Brynna realized he was right; she had led a charmed life, and now she had her perfect mate.

As good as their nights were, their days were filled with more issues like someone sabotaging Travis’s computer, the water being shut off, and random feelings of being watched. Banyan called the water company, and like with the electricity, someone had gone into the system and issued a cutoff order. Julian couldn’t figure out who was responsible. He continued to work on finding out who was hacking into Travis’s computer, stating he would bet his Corvette it was the same one responsible for their utility stoppage.

Julian was eventually able to ascertain it was the same person doing both from some type of algorithm they set up, but he couldn’t pinpoint who they were or where they were working from. The only good thing, if it could be called that, was the person responsible wasn’t targeting Stone, Incorporated as a whole, only Travis. Travis managed to save his work to a flash drive every few minutes, removing it from the laptop and inserting a new one so he never lost his work, but it was taking a toll on him. Brynna and her beast did their best to comfort him, but it wasn’t always easy. For whatever reason, her work on the hotel wasn’t touched. When she noticed that, she asked Julian to install the architectural program on her computer. Once he did, Travis was able to complete the first set of drawings.

Banyan and Uri continued going to the armory, but never together. They didn’t want to leave Brynna and Travis alone at the manor in case of an attack. The cloak-and-dagger bullshit was taking a toll on all of them. Banyan requested Julian ship one of his security systems to them, and he and Uri installed it with Julian walking them through the process. The system was set up so it alerted not only each of their phones but Julian’s computer as well. Brynna’s phone was never out of her sight, just in case. She hated being paranoid, but someone was out to get them for whatever reason.

Since Travis had finished the first set of drawings, he began helping Brynna with getting the manor zoned for commercial property. They filled out the necessary paperwork and submitted it, but after the third time of the documents being lost in the system, Brynna had enough. She insisted on taking the forms to the Building Authority, and Uri offered to go with her while Banyan and Travis met with the contractors for the house. A set of Gargoyle twins had formed a construction Copyright 2016 - 2024