Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,3

shoulder. Instead of arguing further, she took a stack of Travis’s button-up shirts and hung them in the closet while he put his other clothes in the dresser. Banyan’s voice carried to Brynna from downstairs, asking if they were ready to go. Her brother and Urijah were ready to get things underway with their new home.

“Coming,” she responded softly knowing he would hear her. Travis was well aware of Gargoyle hearing, but she still explained, “B and Uri are ready to go to the clearing.”

“I can’t wait to see it,” Travis said. When he had been tasked with designing the males’ home, Travis had been reluctant, but Brynna had talked him into at least getting a free vacation out of the trip. He had argued about not having the money for a trip abroad nor the time away from his fairly new position with Stone, Incorporated, but Banyan explained how he would be paying Travis for his time. Rafael hadn’t hesitated in giving Travis the time off because the King knew Travis was Brynna’s mate.

“It really is amazing. I’m a little jealous they found it first. I mean, they get this stunning haven in the woods while I get all this.” Brynna gestured to the badly decorated hallway.

“Why don’t you buy your own property?” Travis asked as they headed downstairs.

Brynna didn’t tell him it was because she was waiting to see if he wanted to be her mate. She didn’t want to live alone in the middle of nowhere. Banyan had offered to build Brynna her own home on the property since it comprised of thousands of acres, but what was the point if she had no one to share it with? If she and Travis ever got to the point where they were actually mated, then she would build something for the two of them, whether that be in Norway or New Atlanta, because Brynna didn’t see Travis wanting to move away from Trevor. For the time being, she had Uri’s old house in New Atlanta.

“Mostly because I have to figure out what to do with the manor. If I can’t turn it into something profitable, I’ll sell it. Until then…”

“And what happens if your parents decided to come back?”

“They won’t. When Banyan became King, everything transferred over to him except for the money our father had set aside for their lives away from here. They’ll be in Switzerland until the doctor either finds a way to help my mom, or they’ll go off and live the rest of their lives in solitude. At least that’s what he said they had planned.” Brynna didn’t miss her parents at all, and she found that a sad testament to her relationship with them.

She and Travis got into the back seat of the SUV, leaving enough room for Odin between them. Brynna placed her hand on the seat beside her, but Travis kept his hands clasped in his lap. As Banyan drove, he and Uri chatted about the armory. The two of them had taken over the business from Uri’s father, Tabor, and his best friend, Gautum, who was more of a father than uncle to both Banyan and Brynna. They could fulfill all orders from either the location in Norway or the one in New Atlanta.

When Banyan parked at the edge of some trees, Travis asked, “Is something wrong?”

Banyan turned to look at Travis. “No. We have to walk from here.” The four of them got out of the SUV, and Banyan took the lead, holding Uri’s hand. The two of them pushed their way through the overgrown path, and Travis stepped in front of Brynna, doing the same. He really was a gentleman.

When they stepped into the clearing, Banyan and Uri stopped, looking at what was to be the location of their forever home. The property was everything Brynna remembered. It was nestled in the middle of the woods away from anyone else for fifty miles. There was a path leading to a fjord where they could swim and let their Gargoyles loose without fear of someone seeing them. Banyan and Urijah, hand-in-hand, explained where they wanted the house, one that would be built with the trees they cut down to make room for the structure. Travis listened intently, asking questions Brynna never would have thought mattered. That’s why Travis was the architect, and she was, well, her.

Being born second as well as female meant her place wasn’t set at birth the way Banyan’s had been. He had been born Copyright 2016 - 2024