A Brother's Honor (Grangers) - By Brenda Jackson Page 0,42

dents in them.

A sly smile curved Dalton’s lips. “Let’s just say it’s coming. Besides, you’re the big chief. Caden and I don’t need to know everything. We’re merely here to have your back.”

“I don’t see things that way,” Jace said blandly. “Your positions are just as important as mine.”

“Whatever,” Dalton said, smiling and heading for the door. “We’ll see you at home later.”

* * *

Jace pushed away from his chair, knowing he would work late tonight to read the documents regarding the last government contract they’d been awarded and the most recent two they did not get. It appeared their biggest rival in the industry, Barnes Aerospace, had outbid them twice. Was that the reason his grandfather suspected someone was passing trade secrets? Jace didn’t mention his grandfather’s suspicions to Shana since he was curious to see if her report would verify his grandfather’s hunch.

Standing, Jace stretched his body and tried to ignore the growl of his stomach. He hadn’t eaten since lunch, and even that meal had been pretty skimpy. Now his stomach was protesting and rallying for its next meal.

Deciding to grab a bag of chips from one of the vending machines, he opened his office door and stepped out into the lobby and collided with a soft, feminine body.


Jace reached out and caught hold of Shana’s arms before she could lose her balance. She glanced up at him. “Thanks, Jace. Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going. I got a little hungry and figured I’d grab something out of the vending machine. I should not have skipped lunch.”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” he said, trying not to notice that, even at this late hour, her makeup was flawless. What got to him most, right below the gut, were her full and sensual lips. She had removed her jacket, and her blouse still looked crisp while pressed against a pair of firm breasts.

“I did eat lunch but got munchy, too, and was on my way to the vending machine,” he added.

Shana noticed that Jace had removed his jacket and tie, and the top two buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing a portion of a hairy chest. Another thing she noticed was his scent. It was a masculine aroma she’d noticed that first day when they’d met at the restaurant.

She had seen him when she’d first arrived for work but hadn’t seen him for the rest of the day. But seeing him that morning had been enough to overload her senses. And she’d had the unfortunate duty of riding the elevator up to their floor with him. She was grateful others were on board; otherwise, she would have been forced to engage in small talk with him and was glad she had been spared that.

“And another thing you should not be doing is working too late,” Jace said, reclaiming Shana’s attention. “It’s been almost two weeks now, and you’re still at it.”

She waved off his words. “I’m fine. I prefer doing it here than at home.”

He glanced down at her hand and then chuckled. “What’s so funny?” she asked.

“These,” he said, touching the items she’d purchased from the vending machine. “Do you need that many Hershey bars to tide you over?”

Her face split into a huge grin. “Like I said, I didn’t eat lunch, and I have a thing for chocolate.”

“Then why not order lunch in?”

“Don’t want the hassle of clearing things through security. Besides, I’m okay. My dad called a while ago to say he’d made a pot of spaghetti and was sharing. He has a key to my place, so it will be there when I get home.”

“You and your father are close?” He recalled that she had mentioned a sister but not a parent.

“Yes, very.” Knowing it was time for her to retreat to her office, she took a step back. “Well, it’s time for me to get back to work. I’ll see you later.”

“Wait, let me get this,” Jace said, reaching up and pulling a piece of lint out of her hair. He liked how the silky strands felt against his fingers.


“Don’t mention it.”

Shana tried breaking eye contact with Jace and found it hard to do so, mainly because of the intensity with which he was staring at her. She felt helpless to do anything but stare back. And then she felt it—that gentle yet heated stirring in the pit of her stomach. It was the same sensation she fought to ignore each and every time she saw him.

The air surrounding them seemed to

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