A Brother's Honor (Grangers) - By Brenda Jackson Page 0,103

had returned from McQueen’s in time to make appearances at both meetings. It felt good having them by his side.

And then there was Shana.

Although she hadn’t interfered with what his public relations department was being paid to do, she had been there, on the sidelines, positioning herself where he could see her and know she was there to offer support.

He took a moment to close his eyes, needing just for a little while to go back in time. And he knew just what he wanted to revisit. This past weekend and the cabin in the mountains with Shana. Beginning with the bath they’d taken together...although they’d had sex in the tub more than they’d bathed.

And then, after drying them both off, he’d carried her to the bed. Then they had made love again, several times, before finally calling it a night and drifting off to sleep in each other’s arms. More than once during the night, she would shift in sleep, awaken him. He would tighten his arms around her and draw her body more snugly against him.

Sunday morning, he had opened his eyes to find her already awake and staring over at him. He wasn’t privy to what thoughts were going through her mind, but he knew what thoughts immediately began flowing through his.

He’d reached out and stroked his fingers through her hair before raising his mouth to hers. Her lips parted sweetly, and he thrust his tongue between them, greedy for her taste. But that hadn’t been enough.

Jace had left her mouth and began kissing her neck, lower still to her breasts, where he enjoyed a feast with her nipples, sucking wildly. And while she moaned and groaned through the sensations, his tongue tunneled lower still. Easing her legs apart and lifting her hips, he settled his mouth on her womanly core, reacquainting his tongue with her taste there. His mouth feasted on her sensitized flesh, nibbled on her clit and lapped her sweet nectar.

He had licked her into one orgasm and then another, certain that even today the taste of her lingered on his tongue. And when she had been on the brink of sexual delirium, pressed close to a third orgasm, she had begged him to take her. And he’d done just that.

He’d made love to her enough times to know she liked being taken hard, and he’d had no problem delivering. They eventually sexed themselves to sleep again, and by the time they’d awakened, it had been close to noon.

They’d had every intention of coming back to town before six but ended up barely making it back before midnight. He’d been tempted to spend the night but figured she needed her rest, what little she would get before her alarm awakened her at six. Besides, Caden was due back in town Sunday evening. Luckily for Jace, his brother had arrived and retired to bed by the time he’d gotten in. Just as well, as Jace was certain Shana’s scent was all over him.

Jace opened his eyes. Remembering what had taken place this weekend between him and Shana sent heated lust flowing through him. Now was not the time and not the place to get a case of horniness. He’d messed up once about that and couldn’t do so again.

But it was hard, knowing she was there, right next door. Dalton and Caden had left hours ago, and so had Brandy Booker. She seemed really taken aback, genuinely hurt and let down by Melissa’s duplicity. She wasn’t the only one.

Jace stood and stretched his body and then tried talking himself into sitting back down and couldn’t. He glanced over at the connecting door, stared at it for a long moment. The next thing he knew, he was walking toward it.

* * *

Shana glanced up and saw Jace standing in the doorway where their offices connected and wondered how long he’d been standing there. She stared at him, saw the heat in his gaze. The desire.

“Working late again, I see,” he said in a deep, husky timbre, breaking the silence between them and moving from the door to stand in front of her desk.

She gave him a slow once-over and thought, as she always did, that Jace Granger was good on the eyes. No matter what he put on his body, he wore it well. But then, although his shirt and pants looked nice, she also enjoyed seeing him wear nothing at all. Those were the times in bed that she would curl into the curve of

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