Brothers Black 7 - Blue Saffire Page 0,160

I want to squeal.

He reaches for me hand and locks our fingers together. Oh my God. Should I ask if we’re a thing now. No, I need to play it cool.

Weston seems to relax, and we get back to our project. Time has been slipping away. When I text my mom, she informs me that the entire family is at Black and Lock and they’ve started a barbecue. I’ll head there when we wrap up here.

Suddenly, light flashes through the window and all the blood drains from Weston’s face. His mom comes out with a nervous look across hers. An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach.

“Is your ride still outside?” Weston asks nervously.

“No, I have to text Shep and he’ll come back for me. He had to run an errand.”

“Fuck,” Weston mutters.

I frown at the foul language. It’s not the first time I’ve heard him curse. Doesn’t mean I like it.

However, that’s forgotten when a man in a dirty jumper comes into the house. He’s covered in grease and oil. I think I remember once hearing that Weston’s dad is a mechanic.

The man turns cold blue eyes on me and snarls. Weston moves as if to shield me. A glance at Mrs. Ash and she’s wringing her hands.

“Who the fuck is this?” the man says.

“She’s a friend from school, Dad. We had a project to finish. She’s just waiting for her ride to come get her,” Weston rushes to say.

His dad looks me over, causing Weston to move to shield me more. I don’t like this guy. He’s rude and the way he looks at me says a thousand words.

“They better be quick. I have enough mouths to feed,” he grumbles.

Weston turns to me. “Come on. Text your ride,” he says sadly.


I text Shep and start to place my things in my backpack, but not without watching Weston and his mom. They’re afraid. I mean, really scared.

“Honey, why don’t I feed you. Weston can eat after his friend is gone,” Mrs. Ash says.

“Bitch, why the fuck is she here? I told you that boy thinks he’s better than us because he goes to that fancy school. Now he’s bringing those uppity fucks into my home,” his dad snarls.

Yup, I don’t like this guy. Someone needs to teach him some manners. I ball my fists at my sides.

Weston has started to sweat. He wipes his hands on his pants. Suddenly, I take notice of details like Grandpa Joe teaches us to do. It’s hot. Yet Weston has on a long sleeve shirt and his mom tugged on a sweater as soon as I came inside.

I swear she had a bruise on her arm. This dude hits them. I know he does.

“Jimmy, the girl is only here so they can finish a project for school. Leave the boy be. Don’t embarrass him in front of company,” Weston’s mom says soothingly.

It seems to work. He grunts, tossing me a dismissive look before turning to head in the dining area. Weston turns to pull me into his arms immediately.

“I’m so sorry. I should have gotten you out of here sooner. I lost track of time,” he whispers.

“It’s okay,” I whisper back.

“Come on, we can wait outside.”

I nod and we go to stand up. That’s when chaos breaks loose. Mrs. Ash screams as Mr. Ash slams her head down on the table.

“You don’t have any respect for me and that’s why that boy has no respect. Bringing that little tramp into my home,” he hisses as he hovers over her face.

“Mom,” Weston cries out as he rushes over to his parents.

Before he can do anything to help his mother, his dad has him by the throat, slamming him down on the table. Mash potatoes and gravy fly everywhere. Weston grabs for his father’s arm, but he has Weston pinned down good.

“You see this. He thinks he’s the man of the house or some shit. You keep coming at me, boy. I’m going to show you what it’s like to be a real man.”

“Get off my mom,” Weston yells.

He does release Mrs. Ash, but only to punch Weston in the face. I’ve had enough. I’m Jordan Black, I might be many things, but a coward isn’t one of them.


I turn my head to tell Jordan to run, but she already is. Only it’s not from my dad but straight for him. She’s so small, I can’t believe my eyes as I watch what she does next. She leaps into the air, wraps her legs around Dad’s Copyright 2016 - 2024