Brothers Black 7 - Blue Saffire Page 0,141

wasn’t willing to settle up on whatever the deal was.

“I had to think fast. I made myself useful for a while. Then, I was so close to getting away, another raid. I was so sure that was my chance, but it was snatched away and now I’m here,” she says sadly.

“Helping them sell drugs to college students and recruit girls for their sex ring?”

She looks away as shame covers her face. “These girls all want the money and the lifestyle. They see my clothes and car, I’m the black girl without connections and big money.

“All of that draws them in to find out how I’m doing it. None of the professors question a thing because I’m a straight A student and the college damn sure hasn’t asked any questions since my tuition is paid for the year, including nice donations. We just switch colleges every six months to a year, no matter if the tuition is paid or not.

“New college, new name. I keep them in money and girls, they keep me fed and clothed. That’s how I’ve served,” Natasha almost whispers.

“So, you didn’t betray us?” Torque says, hope lacing his words.

“You two were the first and only friends I’ve ever had. I never thought I’d see you again. You guys have to go. I can’t have anything happen to you. Gidden will lose his mind if he finds you here. He’s possessive and crazy about me. You need to go.”

“Gidden. That’s the blonde?” I ask.

Her eyes nearly pop out of her head. “Did he see you?”

“My boss took care of him, turns out he likes to filet shit. I needed to get answers, now I have them.” I shrug. I might have a few questions about John’s sanity after this. “You can either get your shit and come with us or you can stay here, and figure shit out,” I say and start for the door.

“Wait, what? I can’t leave. He’ll find me,” she says, once again she’s in a panic.

“Dead men can’t find shit,” I call over my shoulder. “Make a decision, chick. My breasts hurt. My little girl is hungry. I’m done here.”

When I step out of the front door, John is standing there waiting for me. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest. It’s like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

“Misha knew. He knew it was my aunt that set me up,” I breathe.

“Did you tell her?”

“I don’t know how,” I breathe.

“Your aunt is the head of your family business,” John says what I’m thinking. “You’re going to have to address it.”

“Yeah, because she won’t be for much longer. It’s time for this to end.”

Chapter 62

Get Ready


Two months later…

“Vita, I’m going to pluck you right in your mouth if you stick your spoon in Nori’s ice cream one more time,” Val calls over to her daughter as she and her twin brothers sit in the kiddie pool.

“Mama,” Vita says and pouts, giving her version of an angry face.

“I will take you out of the water and place your little butt in timeout,” Val says, sending a motherly glare at her little one.

Vita pokes her lip out more and bats her lashes. Oh God, she’s so adorable. She sneaks a peek at her two brothers still finishing their ice cream, then looks back at Val to bat her lashes again.

“My name is not Daddy. Those eyes don’t work on me. You had your own ice cream, it’s gone,” Val chides.

“You are so mean,” I say as I try to stifle my laughter.

Val waves me off and settles back in the lounger next to mine. A group of us have been hanging out by the pool with the kids at John’s house. Yes, I’ve been living here with him, but I’ve yet to call it my home.

That seems weird. Especially without Torque here. He moved back into the apartment so Natasha would feel safe there. She still spends most her time looking over her shoulder.

“Now back to you,” Val says. “You really want to do this, huh?”

“Yeah, she started this. I’m going to finish it.”

“Mm, things have been too quiet.”

I shrug. “She’s not a very bright woman. I’m sure she’ll try again.”

“You know what they say about letting sleeping giants lay. She fucked up,” Val says thoughtfully.

My aunt sure did. She never should have sent her men and the Russians to come for John’s family and me. I hadn’t known a thing about her before then.

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