Brothers Black 7 - Blue Saffire Page 0,138

out the depth of what my father left in my lap.”

“Maybe you should start there. Not on this mission you seek,” he says.

“It’s been what? Four years or more. Where do I begin? Won’t I be rattling the same cage?”

His face lights up. “See you are smart. Know this, little warrior. You will have to fill seat you vacate. This is something to think about. Be sure you are ready for storm you want to cause. If I finish story you will have to finish road it paves.”

“You know, I’m get tired of your ass talking in riddles,” I grumble.

He bursts into laughter, transforming his handsome face into a more gorgeous version—almost welcoming. “Da, I see why Val likes you. Listen to me, go get friend. She is priority for now.”

“Finish the story, Misha,” I say tightly.

“I just did,” he says with a smug grin. “I will give green light when time. As I told you, we have connected problems. You can’t solve yours without exposing mine.”

I purse my lips, trying to hold in my anger. I want to make those fuckers pay. Darius and his brother are going to meet with hot slugs from my gun. I promise that.

However, knowing I can finally get to Natasha does simmer down some of my anger. Although something about Misha’s unfinished story leaves me unsettled. I weigh his words chewing on what I do know.

“Fine, where is she?”

Chapter 60

Best Distraction


I sit in our suite with a tumbler of Brandy in my hand, watching my woman. So many thoughts run through my jet lagged brain. We flew out from Russia to come back to the States as soon as we collected the baby and our things from the hotel. Mom insisted on coming along with us to help with the baby, even with her healing shoulder.

I only agreed because Mom threatened my life a number of times and I could see she needed to get away. I could see how stressed all this has made her. With Dad detouring to New York to get some answers, I figured we’d head here once we had Torque. It’s going to take a while for everyone to get back to normal after this one.

I take a sip of my drink and grimace at the burn. “You going to tell me what you and Misha talked about?” I say after I swallow.

Roni looks up from watching our daughter sleeping. She’s been sitting staring at our little princess since she fed her and put her to sleep. Roni is a great mother. I still don’t get how she can doubt that.

“Not much to tell,” she lies.

I nod. “That’s one.”

“One what?”

“Who’s Eliam Pérez?”

Her eyes widen for a split second before she puts that mask in place. I take another sip of my drink and lick my lips as I wait for her next lie to spill from her mouth. Instead of answering me, she goes to the door and cracks it.

“Torque, come get the baby and take her to Cass. Help her if she needs it,” Roni says.

She hands over the baby and closes the door. When she faces me, she leans her back against the door and folds her arms over her chest. I wait. I’ve cultivated my patience at this point.

“We don’t need to talk about this.”

“That’s two.”

“What the heck are you counting?”

I finish my drink and put it down. “I’ll ask again, baby. Think before you answer.”

“Who is Eliam Pérez?”

“No one you need to be concerned with. I’ve got this, John.”

“That’s three.”

“Three what? What the heck are you talking about?”

I crook a finger at her. “Come here.”

She side glances me, but I keep my face expressionless. The moment she realizes my intention, her eyes light up, she releases a heavy breath, and starts back across the room to where I’m sitting. The little sweat shorts she has on are perfect for what I have planned.

When she gets within arm’s reach, I tug her across my lap. It’s been a while since I’ve given her a good spanking. I’m going to enjoy this.

I grow hard as I caress her full globes, building the anticipation. “Now, you have avoided my questions and lied to me. I think you are forgetting who I am.”

I lift my hand and bring it down on her plush left cheek. The way it bounces is nothing short of perfection. Roni moans and squirms.

“John,” she gasps as I rub the sting away, brush my fingers close to her inner thigh, but not close enough.

“One,” Copyright 2016 - 2024