Brothers Black 7 - Blue Saffire Page 0,129

so good, baby.”

She laughs. “Your ass is so drunk, baby.”

“Mm, maybe,” I say and reach under her shirt to palm one of her breasts.

The cup is in my way, so I tug it down. I smirk and begin to roll her hardened peak between my fingers when it tightens from my caress. I’m growing stiffer by the second which means I’m not as drunk as I think I am. I groan when the sound of her panting fills the air.

“I wanna fuck.”

“Are you serious?” she says incredulously.

“Yeah, come here. Sit on my cock.”

“That would be a no,” she says. I pinch her nipple, causing her to take in a sharp breath. “John.”

“See, you want it too. Come here,” I breathe against her stomach, flicking my tongue out.

She tugs my hand from under her shirt and places it on my chest. I reposition my head so I can look up at her. She’s glaring at me.

“I’m going to finish this movie. If you’re still coherent after, then I’ll think about it.”

I laugh and lock my fingers together over my stomach, settling in again. My lids have a mind of their own and won’t stay open. Oh well, I let them have their way and tap my feet to the music as my legs hang over the arm of the seat. I grin to myself.

“You know, you’re already showing signs of being a terrible Sub. So defiant. I’m going to enjoy spanking you until we get that fixed.”

“You can kiss my ass, you know that, right.”

More laughter spills from me. “This is why I love you.”

Roni stiffens. I open my eyes and look up at her. It takes a moment for me to focus on her face. When I do, she looks like she’s seen a ghost or something.

“What? What happened?”

“Nothing,” she says and turns back for the screen.

I’m drunk, but I still know my woman. Not willing to let this go, I sit up and drag her into my lap. I cup her face and search her eyes as I try to think over what I said before the change in her demeanor.

She drops her gaze to my chest, and it clicks. The realization sobers me up a bit and I capture her lips. Deepening the kiss, I pour my soul into our connection.

“I love you,” I say into her mouth and tug at her lip. “I love you.” I kiss her again. “I love—”

“I love you,” she says before I can finish saying it again. She looks me in the eyes. “And that scares the shit out of me.”

I nuzzle her nose. “Why? What are you afraid of? Do you have any idea how much I love you? If you would let me, I’d make sure the world knows how much I love you every day.”

She smooths a finger over one of my brows and gives me a weak smile. “John, I don’t care about anyone else knowing how you feel about me. That’s not what I need.”

“What do you need?”

She looks as if she’s searching her feelings. “To know you’re here to stay. I… this can’t be a mistake.”

I scoff. “Mistake? The only mistake between us was waiting too long to become us. I’m not going anywhere.”

“If you hurt me, I’m going to kill you slow. I like Cass. I don’t want to have to take one of her sons.”

“Tell me what’s actually on your mind. You already know I would never hurt you, so what’s really going on?”

She places her forehead to mine. “We fucked up.”

“We’re both adults.”

“I can’t stop thinking about the other night. I could be pregnant. What’s wrong with us?

“We’ve talked about safe words, collars, we even talked about me starting birth control, which to me says you don’t want children. And yet, we’ve never once talked about if you want a family with me.”

“Come here.” I bring her to straddle my lap instead of sitting in it. “I want you and if you’re not pregnant already, I plan to fix that as soon as the room stops spinning.”

“I’m fucked up. Can you seriously say you want to have a family with me?”

I turn completely serious. “All my life I’ve been the pretty brother. Women don’t stop to think about what they are getting into with me because they can’t stop ogling me.

“For the first time in my life, I’ve found someone that’s nothing but honest with me. You call me on my shit, and you treat me like I need you, not like you Copyright 2016 - 2024