Brothers Black 7 - Blue Saffire Page 0,12

wish I could say that being here has eased my mind.

That’s yet to be the case. Since I stepped off the plane, I’ve had this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. I haven’t been able to shake it.

“Is this the right way? These roads don’t look familiar,” I say in Spanish.

My chest tightens as I speak the words. I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and start to chew on it. These roads definitely look off.

When the driver doesn’t answer me, my pulse starts to race. It occurs to me that I shouldn’t have ignored Anthony’s suggestion that I have someone come with me. The head of my father’s security was not a fan of my decision to come spend time with my aunt alone.

I had texted Aunt Grissel once I was in the car to let her know I had landed. As we continue on a road that becomes increasingly unfamiliar, I pull out my phone and send her another text while my panic surges. Something is off.

When I don’t get a reply, I start to sweat. My upper lip is damp, and my palms are wet. I look around for anything that might look familiar and give me a sense of calm.

“Are we going the right way?” I ask again.

My Spanish may be slow, but I’m sure he can understand me. Which means he’s ignoring me. I wish I had one of those guns I found in my father’s office.

It doesn’t take long before we turn into a set of gates and stop in front of a beautiful home. However, it’s not my aunt’s home. It’s been a while, but not long enough for me to forget the house she lives in.

I know she hasn’t moved. She told me so in one of our conversations as I prepared to come here for this visit. I gave the driver the exact address she gave me.

“You get out here,” he finally speaks.

“This isn’t the address I gave you,” I say firmly.

He looks in the rearview mirror at me. “You get out here,” he repeats.

“Take me to the address I gave you. I’m not getting out of this car until you do.”

The door to my right opens before he can reply or I can make any further demands. I’m grabbed by my hair and dragged from the car faster than I can blink.

Pain sears through my scalp as I’m jerked from the vehicle. My vision blurs with tears as I fight to get free. The person holding me only tightens their grip.

I reach behind me to try to scratch their eyes out. I connect with soft flesh and start to claw. The guy howls in pain.

“Enough,” someone bellows with a familiar sounding voice.

I freeze and turn my head as best I can toward the house. Stepping out of the entrance is a tall dark-haired man I know I’ve seen before. I try hard to place him through my burning eyes. He scowls as he gets closer.

“This is not how we were supposed to meet,” he says as his eyes roll over me. “I should have done things myself. You’re like a wild cat. I would have enjoyed putting out that fire.”

My stomach turns in disgust. He reeks of slime ball. Although he might be handsome to some, I find the smug grin on his face revolting.

“What the hell is going on? Get this guy off of me,” I snap.

He laughs. “Feisty, I like it. This really is a pity. You have two options, Roni. That’s what you like to be called?”

“Fuck you.”

He looks me over from head to toe. “Unfortunately for me, that isn’t one of the options.” He shrugs and licks his lips. “Marry my friend Darius. Allow him to take over your father’s business. You can live your life spending as much money as you like and I will make all of your problems go away,” he says with an underlying tone as if my problems are greater than the situation I’m currently in.

“You and Darius can go to hell,” I seethe.

“Wrong answer. Option two is a bit nasty.”

He closes the distance between us and lifts a hand to touch me. I slap his hand away, causing the guy with the tight grip on my hair to grab my arms and restrain them behind my back. I struggle but it’s useless.

“One thing that can’t be denied, you do have a nice body,” he says as he releases a laugh.

He reaches out again, this time running his Copyright 2016 - 2024