Bronze (Blackwings MC - Devil Springs #5) - Teagan Brooks Page 0,85

you stay. All of it needs to be different. Also, you need to ditch your usual aliases and use one you’ve never used before. Better yet, we’ll make the reservations under my name.”

Tatum cleared her throat and wiggled her fingers in the air. “Hello,” she said slowly. “I’m sure your local FBI agent can make those secure travel arrangements for you. What city is the signing in?”

“Cedar Valley.”

“Okay, and what about Frankie? What’re her plans?”

“She’s going to drive there and meet me at the hotel Thursday afternoon,” I explained.

“Does she live in Cherryfield?”

“Oh, no, she lives in Tuckersville. It’s about two hours from me.”

“Let’s have Frankie drive to your mother’s place instead of going to Cedar Valley. The sooner she can arrive, the better. I’ll arrange transportation to an undisclosed location on Friday, where you’ll stay until the time you leave to set up for the event. I’ll take care of transportation to and from the venue, additional security, and…” she drew out and paused for a few moments, “whatever else needs to be taken care of so that you and Frankie can do your jobs as safely as possible.”

“Should she come now? Or wait until closer to Thursday?”

“The sooner the better. Now being the best.”

“When can I call and tell her?” I asked anxiously. On more than one occasion, Frankie had driven to Cherryfield and spent the week working from my house, so I knew it wouldn’t be a problem for her—particularly because I allowed her to bring Brat.

“You can’t,” Tatum said pointedly. “But I can.”

“She won’t believe you unless you give her our secret password. Well, it’s actually a phrase, or technically, it’s a sentence. I really should know this.”

“I don’t care if it’s a comma splice with tautology that ends in a preposition. I’ve already paid my debt to grammar. Just give me the secret password/phrase/sentence.”

I leaned forward and lowered my voice. “I like anal,” I mumbled.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that.” I knew damn good and well that she heard me. “What did you say?”

“I like anal,” I said a bit louder with a touch of frustration.

“I,” she said slowly as she made a show of writing it down. “Like.” She paused before drawing out each sound in the last word. “Anal. Correct?”

I sighed in exasperation and slapped my hand over my face. “Yes, that’s correct. I mean, the phrase is correct. Wait, no. I mean, that is the correct passphrase.” I pretended to wipe sweat from my forehead. “It was funny when we never thought we’d have to use it,” I tried but cracked a smile. “Okay, it’s still funny.”

Tatum clapped me on the shoulder. “You totally fit in around here.

After discussing the details and finalizing the plans, all of my belongings, along with everything Bronze and Blue would need for their stay, magically appeared at the safe house. Then, the three of us and all of our luggage were loaded into a behemoth of a vehicle provided by Tatum and sent on our way.

I waited until we were on the highway before I turned to Bronze and said, “Well, this was an unexpected turn of events.”

He snorted. “Yeah, it was. You okay?”

I shrugged. “Yeah, I think so. The whole thing shook me up for sure. But, based on what Tatum said and the things I saw, the chances of the threat having anything to do with me are slim to none.”

I glanced at Blue’s sleeping face in the mirror mounted in front of her car seat. “You’re sure we’re not putting her in harm’s way?”

He reached over and squeezed my hand. “She wouldn’t be here if I thought otherwise. The safest place for her is with me at your mom’s place. Speaking of, how is it still your mother’s place?”

“Technically, it’s not. My brothers and I inherited it. Kian and Declan wanted to sell, but Tiernan and I didn’t. So, we bought them out and split the property between ourselves, though he acts like it’s my home. Shit!” I cursed when I realized I couldn’t use my phone. “Tiernan’s home until the end of next week; he doesn’t know Frankie is on her way. She’ll probably get there before we will.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, not a problem, per se. It’s just that Tiernan has been so good about letting me know when he’s coming and going and, well,” I paused and finally admitted something I’d refused to acknowledge for years. “Frankie and Tiernan don’t get along. At all.”

Bronze chuckled. “What about the pig?”

“Shit,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024