Bronze (Blackwings MC - Devil Springs #5) - Teagan Brooks Page 0,75

I was taking you back to my room to fuck you against the wall while my daughter is asleep.”

“You can’t fuck me while she’s in here,” I hissed and swatted at his chest.

He rolled his eyes. “She’s not in here. She’s next door in her own room.” He pointed to a door I hadn’t noticed when I first entered. “We had the doors put in to connect the rooms after she was born. Now, get naked.”


Frankie was right. After staying in Devil Springs until the absolute last minute, I made it home with barely enough time to pack before Dickerson called to tell me my ride to the airport had arrived.

Running through the airport like my ass was on fire, I made it to my gate just as they called for the first-class passengers to begin loading. I usually waited for everyone else to board before I did, but I was exhausted and hoped to sleep for as much of the hour-long flight as possible.

However, my hopes were crushed ten minutes into the flight when the pilot announced that we were being rerouted due to bad weather. That was how my one-hour flight turned into a day-long tour of various airports scattered throughout the mid-Atlantic area.

After we landed for the third time, I contemplated renting a car and driving to the event, but Bronze and Frankie both pointed out that I was in no shape to drive.

I stumbled off the plane and fumbled my way to the baggage claim area. Frankie was perched on top of one of the carousels scanning the area with a pair of rhinestone-covered binoculars.

“Demon! You made it!” she shouted at the top of her lungs and jumped down from her makeshift watch tower.

“Save me!” I cried and used the last of my energy to propel myself in her direction.

“Your chariot is right this way.”

“Hang on, I checked two bags I need to get.”

She snorted. “There’s no way in hell your luggage made it here. Let’s get you to the hotel for a nap—no a shower first because you stink—then I’ll work on locating your luggage while you get some sleep.”

It didn’t occur to me that there might be another reason Frankie was in a rush to get back to the hotel until I walked into the room to find a cloven-hooved animal snoring on what was not the bed I would be sleeping on.

“Frankie,” I grumbled.

“This way, Demon. You’re hallucinating. I’ll turn the shower on for you—” was the last thing I heard before I faceplanted into the pillows.

Frankie only let me sleep for two hours, claiming I wouldn’t be able to go to sleep that night if she’d let me sleep any longer. “Oh, see those boxes over there?” she asked and pointed to the boxes stacked along the wall. “Those need to be sorted and signed. So, whenever you’re ready.”

I groaned. “Coffee or alcohol? Your choice.”

A knock at the door interrupted our conversation. I cocked my head to the side and looked at Frankie. “Are you expecting anyone?”

“No,” she said slowly and shooed me with her hand. “Go see who it is.”

I was in no way, shape, or form prepared for what I saw when I looked through the peephole. Yanking the door open, I squealed in delight and launched myself into his arms. “Bronze! What are you doing here?”

“Coming to see my woman,” he rumbled and stepped into the room. In a flash, he dropped his bag and had me pinned against the wall seconds before his lips devoured mine—until the sound of a throat clearing had him pulling away from me and scanning the room.

“Hello!” Frankie sang and wiggled her fingers in the air.

“I didn’t know you’d have company,” he mumbled near my ear.

“I don’t have ‘company.’ We’re sharing a room. This is my assistant and dear friend, Frankie.”

Right on cue, there was a loud thump on the other side of the connecting door. I sighed in exasperation. “That’s what you get for lying to the man,” Frankie pointed out and got up to open the door.

“It’s called a joke. Tell your pig to play along next time,” I retorted.

“You know I don’t have any control over her. She does what she wants. And judging by the sound of that headbutt just now, I’d say she wants your man.” With that, she opened the door and unleashed the beast before I could give him a fair warning.

“Brat! No!” I yelled and tried to block him while shoving Bronze into the bathroom. Copyright 2016 - 2024