Bronze (Blackwings MC - Devil Springs #5) - Teagan Brooks Page 0,41

would let it go. “Would it make you feel better if I touched base with Luca Peccati first?”

Copper stopped pacing and faced me, cocking his head to the side. “The fuck does Luca have to do with this?”

“His nephew got the idea to get into underground fighting from somewhere,” I suggested. When he continued to stare at me waiting for more, I admitted, “I checked out one of the fights in Cherryfield last week.”

His head shot up. “Is that why Blue spent the night with us?”

I snorted and shook my head. “No, Blue spent the night with you because Layla asked if she could. I said yes and didn’t waste the opportunity I was given.”

“Make a connection or a point,” Copper grumbled.

“I ran into Luca at the fight. I’m not sure if he has a team of fighters, takes bets, or both. He does have a shit ton of bodyguards, and it’s clear that he’s a big fucking deal. Hell, maybe he owns the place—”

“Get on with it.”

I rolled my eyes but made my point. “Luca said he would get my foot in the door if I was interested in fighting.”

“And what does he want in return for that favor?”

I smirked. “Your reassurance that he won’t anger our club by allowing me into his.”

“You serious?” Copper asked skeptically.

I nodded. “Yep. He said all he’d be doing was vouching that I wasn’t a fed, cop, scam artist, or someone who would share information about the fights with the media, particularly social media. After that, getting on the card’s up to me.”

Copper rubbed his chin in the same way most of the males in our family did when they were considering their next words. Many thought the gesture meant they were thinking, but I knew they were actually choosing how to break the decision they’d already made. “I appreciate you not wanting the club to have any affiliation with the fights, but I can’t let you go to matches alone,” he said and held up his hand to keep me from interrupting. “Grant isn’t patched in yet, so he can go with you. Neither one of you’ll wear your cuts. Also, Coal’s been talking about a guy that’s been coming to the gym. He says he’s been asking about the club and might be interested in prospecting. You know who he’s talking about?”

“It’d have to be Drew. I haven’t been back at the gym that long, but Drew has been in there working out every day that I’ve been back. He’s young. I’m talking between eighteen and twenty.”

Copper resumed pacing, though his pace was much slower, and most of the tension had left his shoulders. “I’ll stop by the gym tomorrow and have a chat with Drew. If he wants to prospect for the club, he can earn that chance by making up the second part of your entourage.”

“What about Coal? He’s going to feel left out if both of his buddies get to go to the big city while he has to stay home,” I pointed out.

“That’s a price he pays for wearing the cut,” Copper clipped.

“Relax, bro. I was kidding. You need to get laid before your blood pressure goes up so high it makes you have a stroke. And I love you, but I will not wipe your ass.”

“What if I broke both arms?”

“Depends on how you broke them. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m saying I won’t wipe your ass if it needs to be wiped because you had a stroke from too much pent- up tension. Go fuck your wife. Wait. Are you two married?” I asked. I knew they weren’t, even though they’d been together for a couple of years, lived together, and he’d claimed her as his Old Lady.

I also knew I’d look up to see Copper staring at me with worry all over his face. He’d been doing that every time I couldn’t remember something since I had to have emergency brain surgery after the clubhouse was bombed. I was a bit of an ass for fucking with him like that, but that’s what little brothers were supposed to do. “Again with all the worry. I’m just giving you shit because you haven’t married her yet. Have you even asked her? Seriously, man, what the fuck are you waiting for?”

Before I could turn away, Copper flicked my nipple with his fingers. “You motherfucker!” I roared.

“Is Blue still trying to get milk out of your tender teats?” he laughed.

I eyed him knowingly. “Just Copyright 2016 - 2024