Broken Trust A Dark High School Romance - Tate James Page 0,63

smoothed out. My hands tangled gently in her hair before I could stop myself; I needed to touch her. At all times. It was a need, that for the first time, I could not control. We’d fucked tonight and after so long, all that did, was make me crave her harder. There was something beyond intoxicating about Riley. It had been there from the first time I’d seen her, that defiant, stunningly beautiful face as she schooled us on chicks in car racing.

Riley was effortlessly sexy without even trying.

I’d known I was screwed that first night, but like the dumb fuck I was, I kept trying to fight the inevitable.

A noise outside our room caught my attention, and a darkness settled in my veins as I slowly slipped from the bed, taking care not to wake her.

She made a few whimpering noises, but when I slid my pillow under her arms, she buried her face in it and calmed down.

My chest went tight as I tried not to examine how that made me feel.

I heard his voice again, and I realized that it was time now for me to set a few things straight. Before I ended up having to destroy one of the only people in the world who meant anything to me.

Dylan was waiting on the edge of darkness, and I wondered who he’d been talking to, but then I heard Evan singing his fucking anime songs in the shower. He had zero ability to hold a tune, but that never stopped him.

It made me wish I had a guitar in my hands; I needed to soothe some of the dark anger in my soul, and music was one of the only things that worked for me.

Music and Riley.

“We need to talk,” I said quietly to Dylan, a low undercurrent of pissed off leaking into my words.

He just nodded and gestured for us to head into the soundproof music room that I used at times when I had to play at midnight and didn’t want to disturb the guys. Maybe he hoped I’d be less violent around my prized possessions.

“You waited up for me?” I asked without inflection. “Knew this little chat was coming, hey?”

Dylan shrugged. “It’s Riley,” he said as way of explanation.

Her name leaving his lips had my hands clenched into fists at my side. Watching that brief kiss between them had brought out the worst kind of possessive bastard in me.

“She kissed me,” Dylan said straight up. “But … I wasn’t complaining.”

A derisive snort left me. “I noticed.”

There was a beat of silence, where both of us sized each other up. Dylan sort of deflated after that. “I’m not gonna lie, Riley … she fucks something up inside of me. In a good way. Sometimes when she stares at me with those blue as fuck eyes, all I can think about is touching her.”

Part of me wanted to punch the shit out of him. But a larger part understood. Riley had a way about her, and it didn’t surprise me that my best friend felt the same way as me.

“She’s mine,” I said, letting those words slide across my tongue, dark and dangerous. “You’re my brother, Dylan, but if it comes down to it, I will kick your fucking ass if you step over the line with her.”

Some of the fire that his parents had tried to destroy inside of him flared to life. “What if she chose me? I mean, you’re not exactly her favorite person these days.”

I had an instant memory of her when we fucked in the bathroom. The way her pussy contracted on my cock as she shattered in my arms. Her eyes as she stared dead into mine, not blinking, just giving me every part of her. I understood what Dylan meant. Sometimes it felt like I was staring right the fuck into her soul, and it was everything light and beautiful in the world. Unlike mine.

When I was fucking Riley, I had no doubt that I was the only person on her mind. But Dylan had a shit load to offer as well, and if Riley decided he was it for her, I wasn’t sure what the fuck I would do.

I wasn’t going to let him know that though.

Crossing my arms, I nudged my shoulder against the wall, and shot him my “are you fucking serious, asshole?” look. It was a look that had caused lesser men to cry.

“When has Riley ever gone to you?”

I was being a dick, Copyright 2016 - 2024