Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,99

reaches for the back of my head, tangling his fingers in my hair. “I shouldn’t have left. I was… overwhelmed. I still am.”

His confession deflates my anger. With a sigh, I move closer to him and cup his cheek. “Let me help you.”

He leans down, pressing his forehead against mine. “I don’t know how anymore.”

Rising on my tiptoes, I bring my lips to his. His response is immediate. He twists a lock of my hair, keeping my head in place while he invades my mouth with his tongue. My skin tingles all over, a reaction that’s completely new and exciting. My powers respond to his, flowing through my veins effervescently.

I’m suddenly floating on air as light as a feather. I latch on to his body, wrapping my legs around his hips. Our clothes vanish like magic, and with the barriers gone, Morpheus’s erection teases my center.

“How did you do that?” I ask against his mouth.

“I’m not sure, to be honest. I just wanted our clothes gone, and poof.”

“You’d better learn how to bring them—” My back meets the wall, and Morpheus slides all the way in, scrambling all my thoughts.

He captures my lips again, unraveling me completely as his tongue teases mine. My head is light, as if it’s filled with cotton candy. Euphoria makes me feel like I’m high. Maybe I am. Kissing Morpheus is like tasting the nectar of the gods, literally.

He’s moving between my legs, unmerciful, and with each trust, it becomes harder to maintain my grip on reality. I’m slowly but surely becoming detached from body, untethered to the constraints of the physical world. I know I’m forgetting something, but I can’t fathom what.

Our bodies are slick, our breathing coming out in bursts but in sync. I’m terribly close to release, and I know Morpheus is too. When it finally hits us, it’s like we turn into smoke, quickly mixing together to become one.



I’m not sure how it happened, but somehow during our lovemaking, I was able to peer inside Daisy’s mind. It happened naturally, as if we were connected not only physically but on a spiritual level too. I didn’t mean to snoop around, but the knowledge I wanted was right there in front of me. I couldn’t avoid learning the location to the Neo Gods’ headquarters.

Daisy can’t be angry at me for that, but she can and will be furious that I took off alone to do what I said I would. There’s absolutely no fucking sense or reason to risk everyone’s lives when I can destroy the place alone.

Getting to the Sapphire mountain range where the secret hideout is took me no more than a mere thought. If we had come by car, it would have taken an hour. Another argument for why my coming alone was the right call.

Then why the hell do I feel so guilty about it?

I’m standing in front of the side of a mountain. There’s a narrow road that leads to a dead end, which means the entrance is there, hidden. I narrow my eyes, and with ease I can see the shape of a steel gate underneath the stony wall. It’s reinforced by lightning-glass, a precaution in case someone tries to use their powers to forcibly open it.

Expanding my awareness further, I count around fifty people inside the facility, which has three levels. The majority of the Neo Gods are on the first level, right on the other side of the gate. I’m concealed from the security cameras, and I’ll remain like that until I can strike everyone in one fell swoop. For that, I want to be on the other side so I can witness their reaction when they die.

I let the shadows consume me, taking their form, and then I zap through the cracks of the hidden entrance. When I rematerialize, I keep the shadows around me and observe the motherfuckers who will soon become dead meat.

They’re busy loading trucks and vans with assault weapons and explosives concealed inside black boxes, and part of their uniform includes vests that I’m sure protects them from Idol attacks. There are no Fringes in the mix, meaning this is a high-level operation. I can’t imagine what kind of destruction was next on their agenda, but it’s clear they don’t intend to rely on their powers only. This is war.

I’m about to unleash my wrath on them when the elevator at the far end of the room opens and an ancient creature walks out. He oozes power despite his Copyright 2016 - 2024