Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,94

our precarious situation, brings forth all the pain he caused Rosie and me. With it comes undiluted hate. I don’t try to fight it. I let it expand like a dark stain in my soul because it’s infusing me with renewed power. The strength in me doesn’t come from Magia, the Idol. It comes from Magia, the fucking demigod.

I pull back the arm Marlon is holding and toss him across the room. Delta’s smug expression contorts into a fit of rage. He conjures up a sphere of blue energy, but instead of sending it in my direction, he tosses it in Xavier’s. Son of a bitch. He wants to kill every single member of my family in front of me. But the sphere crashes against the net and dissolves into wisps of harmless electric current. The lightning-glass annulled the blast.

“You’re one stupid motherfucker.” I jump on him, sending him crashing against the chair with my hands wrapped around his head.

Delta grunts as he tries to fight me off, but I’m much stronger than he is. My gift surges within me, more powerful than ever before. But as I pull Delta’s power into me, I also get the ugliness in his heart. I’m privy to his depraved thoughts. He was the one who suggested they begin their attacks at the Norm schools. He used to torture his victims before killing them. He’s the scum of the earth, and taking his powers away is not enough. He needs to fucking die.

He tries to not make a sound as I unmake him, even though I know it’s painful. I dig my fingers harder against his temples, crushing his skull. Then he screams. My vision is blurry and tinged in red. There’s no power left in him, but I keep applying pressure, keep squeezing, until finally his skull caves in and his head explodes in my hands like a watermelon, splashing blood and gray matter all over me.

Someone calls my name, but the sound seems to be coming from afar. All I can hear is the sound of my heavy breathing coming out in bursts. Then strong arms hug me from behind, pulling me tight against a hard chest.

“Daisy. Fuck. You’re okay,” Rufio says, but he’s wrong, so very wrong.



I slept like the dead. Didn’t even dream, which is too bad because I wouldn’t have minded dreaming about Daisy since we have a tendency to share them and they’re hot as sin. Without opening my eyes, I stretch my arm, finding nothing but the cold floor. Still groggy, I peel my eyes open and discover Daisy is gone. Damn, she’s already up and didn’t wake me?

I sense a pair of eyes staring at my back, and when I look over my shoulder, I find Theo standing super close, staring at me.

“Hey there, buddy. What’s up?”

“Did you know you snore?”

I lean on my elbows, then cover my mouth with a fist as I try to hide my yawn. “I do?”

“Yeah. Mega loud.”

Rubbing my eyes, I sit up. Then I run my fingers through my hair. It’s pointless. It’s so dirty, only water and shampoo will make it manageable again. I rub my scruffy jaw and wonder if Daisy likes the rugged look.

“What time is it?” I yawn again. I can’t believe how tired I am.

Theo shrugs. “I don’t know.”

Rosie minces toward me, sporting some terrible bed hair. “Where’s everyone?”

“I don’t know. I just woke up.”

“Toby’s gone. Where could he be?”

“Maybe he went to the restroom. Speaking of which.” I jump to my feet because one, I gotta pee, and two, there’s no sense in sitting around and trying to guess where everyone went. I’ll just go look for them.

Theo decides to follow me, and I wonder if he’s potty trained already. I don’t see the volume of a diaper under his pants, so I hope he is. The small restroom only has one stall and a urinal. While I’m busy doing my thing, Theo decides he has to use the bathroom too. That answers my earlier question. But when he doesn’t leave the throne, I go investigate.

“Are okay, buddy?”

“Yeah. I’m done dropping a deuce.”

I snicker, almost choking in the process. “Dude, who taught you to say that?”

“My dad.”

“Well, if you’re done, then hop off.”

“I can’t. You have to wipe my butt.”

“Uh, come again?”

“I can’t do it. My arms don’t reach that far.” He demonstrates by stretching his arm and twisting his torso.

I step back. “Oh no, no. I’m not wiping your butt, dude. No way.”

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