Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,91

She glowers at Bryce.

“Eleven,” Toby replies. “Who’s coming on this mission?”

“Just you, me, Xavier, and Rufio,” I say.

“Is that… wise? I mean, Xavier and I are newly made Idols, and Rufio is…” Toby’s cheeks become even redder.

“You can say it, Toby. I’m only a Norm.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest, twisting his face into a grimace.

“That’s insane. I should come, at least. You need more protection,” Jodie butts in.

“And I already said you’re not coming. That’s final, Jodie.” Xavier stares her down.

She throws her hands up in the air. “Fine. Be my guest. I hope you don’t get caught by the Neo Gods.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t mind if they crossed our path.” Rufio’s eyes take on a dangerous glint, and I swear they flash brighter for a second.

“I would,” Xavier retorts. “All right. Get ready. We leave in five minutes.”


“Daisy, can you check if Jodie is truly not following us?” Xavier asks from the driver seat.

“Can’t you look yourself?” I pipe up.

“Rufio, cut it out,” Daisy chastises me.

I’ve been picking on Xavier since we left the warehouse. Yeah, I’m still pissed that he didn’t want me to come because he believes I’m a deadweight. If I’m being honest with myself, the anger is also aimed at me. Most of the time, I think the team has no use for me, but I can’t live my life in self-pity.

“She’s the most powerful Idol in this car, and her reach is greater,” Xavier replies calmly, but I don’t miss the underlying irritation in his tone.

“My mother is not going to follow us,” I rebuff.

“It doesn’t hurt to be careful,” he grumbles.

“I’m not sensing her at all.” Daisy glances at the side mirror. “And there’s no car behind us.”

“Where are we going?” Toby changes the subject. I’m not sure if he’s trying to defuse the tension or not, but he’s got my attention.

“To one of the Knights’ secret locations.”

“Is it that cabin in the woods Gunther Silverstone brought us to?” Daisy asks.

“No, a different place. They’ve had to make several changes in the last few weeks. Still, I’m not sure who to trust in their group, to be honest.”

“Have you heard from him?” I ask.

“No. His radio silence is worrying me.”

“You don’t think he was captured or killed, do you?” Daisy asks in a high-pitched voice.

“Let’s hope not.”

Xavier’s reply doesn’t comfort me, and clearly it doesn’t comfort Daisy either. Even without my Idol senses, I can tell she’s tense as hell.

“When Morpheus returns, maybe he can connect with his half brother?” I suggest.

“Do you believe he’ll come back?” Toby asks.

“Yes,” Daisy and I reply in unison.

She turns in her seat to look at me. “You really think so?”

“Yes, sweetheart. He’ll come back. He loves you too much to stay away.”

Xavier grumbles. “Can you please not do the gushy thing in front of me? I’m still getting used to my niece dating four guys at once.”

I snort. “That’s pretty rich coming from the man who runs a strip club and allowed said niece to work there.”

“Kid, you’re lucky I’m driving. But keep smart-mouthing me and you will get the ass-whooping of your life.”

Toby giggles but tries to hide his amusement when I award him a murderous glance.

“Rufio has a point though,” Daisy comes to my defense.

“May I remind you that I didn’t want to give you the job? You begged me for it, and I saved you from humiliation in the end.”

“Good times,” I mutter.

“I don’t need any reminders.” She glances out the window, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

My memories of that night are fuzzy, but what I do remember is bittersweet. I hated Daisy blindly back then. I can’t believe I harbored such ugly feelings, and now I can’t live without her.

I press my hand against my leather jacket, feeling the hard shape of the lightning-glass dagger I stuffed in my pocket. Let everyone think I’m harmless just because I don’t have my Idol powers anymore. If anyone tries to harm Daisy, I’ll gut them like the pigs they are.

“What’s your take on Phoenix’s mother?” Toby asks. “She looks so young. When did she have him?”

“I haven’t made up my mind about her, to be honest,” Daisy replies. “I know what that monster did to her, but at the same time, she didn’t try to help Phoenix.”

“You don’t know she didn’t, honey.” Xavier is quick to come to Leticia’s defense.

“Someone is smitten,” I tease.

“I’m not smitten,” he replies with indignation.

“Yes you are.” Daisy laughs. “Totally.”

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