Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,77

thinking the same thing. I do wonder if when Bryce heals someone, he’s actually transferring some of his powers to that person. If that’s the case, how long until he has nothing left?

The rumble of thunder reverberates across the warehouse’s high ceiling, getting our full attention.

“Crap. I think Chaos found us,” I say.



Bryce has to rely on me for support as we walk toward the warehouse section that has some office space. Morpheus is ahead of us, body coiled tight with tension. It’s like he’s carrying the entire weight of the world on his shoulders. It can’t be easy knowing a relative is hell-bent on killing everyone you know. What a group of damaged people we are. I lost my parents in a horrible way, and the loves of my life have to contend with terrible ones. At least Mrs. Malek loves Morpheus unconditionally, and it seems Phoenix’s mother is trying to make amends for her past mistakes.

Morpheus stops in front of a door that has a lit sign above it that says “On Air.” It strikes me as odd. But when I enter the room, I understand the reason for it. We’re actually inside the radio station The Freaks. A huge poster showing off the hosts is the first thing I see, hanging at the far end of the wall. Then there are all the other famous bands’ posters, concert T-shirts in frames, and even a guitar mounted on the wall. The actual studio where they broadcast their show is sectioned off in a soundproof room in the left corner. The half-glass panels for walls allow visitors to peek inside. One of the hosts is in there, wearing big earphones and making sure Norms and Fringes still have their source of entertainment despite the tragedy that has struck our town.

“Am I dreaming, or are we actually inside a radio station?” Phoenix asks.

A man with salt-and-pepper hair and a wrinkled tan face approaches, sporting a tentative smile. I recognize him from the poster, I just don’t know which one of the hosts he is, Travis or Morty.

“Hi, I’m Travis Ross. You must be Daisy.”

“Yeah. These are Bryce, Morpheus, and Phoenix, and I suppose you’ve already met the rest,” I say.

“Yes I have. Please take a seat. Your friend looks a little worn out.” He points at the empty leather couch. There are three in the room, and with the current seating arrangement, I can see the battle lines are still firmly in place. Rosie and Felicity occupy one, Jodie and Renata another. Toby and Xavier are standing, clearly not wanting to pick sides.

“Where’s my mother? We’re running out of time,” Morpheus asks. “I can sense Chaos looming right above us. I don’t think the few pieces of raw lightning-glass stones we brought are doing much to deter him.”

“She’ll return shortly,” Travis assures Morpheus.

“Okay, I’m so confused. Can someone explain to me how a Fringe radio station got involved in the fight against the Neo Gods?” Bryce asks.

“Morty and I have always been involved in fighting oppression. It’s the main reason we started the station more than thirty years ago.”

“But why this warehouse?” I ask.

“We’ve only been here for the past few months. We piss off too many powerful Idols to remain in one location for too long.” He lifts his shoulders in a casual what-can-you-do shrug.

“But a warehouse?” Phoenix presses.

“It belonged to Morty’s parents. It was abandoned for years since most businesses in the area either went bankrupt or moved to greener pastures. We figured if we moved here, we wouldn’t have to change locations so soon. But then the war broke out, and our location became providential.”

“Too bad we brought a vengeful god to you,” Renata remarks, earning an immediate glower from Rosie.

“You make it sound like we did it on purpose,” she snaps.

Renata stares in Rosie’s direction, clearly surprised. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

Mrs. Malek comes in, interrupting what was sure to become a useless argument. She’s followed by the blind Zions who assisted her before when Morpheus couldn’t yet control his powers.

“You asked them to come here?” Morpheus widens his eyes.

“Don’t fret, young man. We’re not the enemy,” one of them replies.

“Shereen, I didn’t know when you said you were getting help you meant them.” Xavier watches the duo with suspicion.

“Who are they? Priests?” Renata asks Jodie.

“Something like that,” she answers but keeps her shrewd eyes locked on the newcomers.

“How are you going to help us deter Chaos?” Morpheus asks.

Both men turn toward the sound of Copyright 2016 - 2024