Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,65

My jaw drops as I move closer.

“Wow. It looks like a starry sky,” Felicity murmurs.

I touch the wall, still in awe that something so beautiful can be deadly to Idols. Was this material on Earth from the beginning of time, or was it put here by another capricious deity?

“Hey, Rufio. Over here,” Rosie hisses. “I’ve found something.”

Felicity and I stride toward her. She’s standing in front of a pile of rough-cut lightning-glass stones.

“Bingo,” I say.

“They’re so big.” Felicity wraps her arms around one and tries to lift. “Ugh. It weighs a ton too. I might be able to only carry the smaller ones.”

I attempt to grab the one she couldn’t, and to my dismay, I struggle with it too. “Shit. This is not good. We’re going to need more than three small stones, and making this trip several times is not an option.”

“They must be transporting the stones somehow.” Rosie glances around.

“Right. Let’s see if there’s a mine cart somewhere,” I say.

We veer farther down the tunnel, and it takes another minute to find a wheelbarrow. I push forward slowly, but the progress back to the lightning-glass stones is too noisy, and it echoes loudly against the high walls of the cave. There’s nothing for it though. We just have to work quickly and get out of here. I start with the largest stones, trying not to grunt as I lift them into the barrow. Fuck, I hate being a puny Norm.

After the bottom of the cart is covered with the larger stones, Rosie and Felicity fill the gaps with the smaller units.

“It’s enough. We don’t want to make the pile too high or we might lose some on the way back,” I tell them.

“Can you push the load?” Felicity asks.

My normal reaction would be to give her a droll stare, but in my new state, who knows if I can actually lift this shit? I take a deep breath before I go for it. My muscles strain with the effort, but I clench my teeth and suffer in silence. Once I begin to move, it becomes easier. But the racket of the wheel and stones bouncing against the metal barrow is making me anxious. I’ll feel better once we’re out of the cave. Sweat pools on my forehead, and my breathing is already coming out in bursts. Jeez, I think I need to add physical conditioning to my daily routine. I’m so weak, it’s not even funny.

When I see the mouth of the cave get near, it injects me with a burst of strength. I quicken my pace, eager to get out of this place. But thanks to my lack of Idol powers, I don’t notice we’re no longer alone until two miners block our way.

“Where do you think you’re going with those rocks, lad?” a man with a ginger beard rasps in a thick Scottish accent.

“Uh, Harry asked us to help while you were busy at the assembly. You know, we can’t waste any time,” I reply.

The man rubs his beard, watching me through slits. “Harry asked you, huh?”

“Yeah, he did,” Felicity replies.

Scottish man glances at his companion. “What do you think, Stone?”

Stone, who is a short and wiry man with thinning hair and eyes that are too big for his gaunt face, replies, “Harry would never send strangers into the mines without training. I’d say they’re lying, Wallace.”

The Scottish guy turns to us, and judging by the fury raging in his eyes, I’d say we’re in trouble.

“I knew it! You’re thieves. Sound the alarm, Stone.”

Ah fuck. We can’t have that.

Without a second thought, I break into a run, pushing the wheelbarrow as fast as I can. I hit the big Scottish guy before he can move out of the way. The impact sends him to the ground, but I lose some of my load in the process. He lets out a roar as one of the bigger pieces falls on his leg. From the corner of my eye, I catch Stone making a beeline to the forest to no doubt sound the alarm. But Felicity and Rosie run after him.

The waitress catches him first by jumping on his back. The momentum sends both of them down. I’d go after to help, but the seconds I was distracted cost me. Wallace tackles me to the ground, knocking the wind out of me. Stunned, I don’t offer resistance in the beginning, which gives the burly man the advantage. He straddles me and curls his fingers around my neck. Adrenaline Copyright 2016 - 2024