Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,51

“Did anyone?” He glances around our group.

“A little,” Renata confesses in a small voice. “But it passed quickly, so I didn’t think much about it.”

“We should return to the bungalows,” I say. “There’s no sense standing here and suffering.”

“Hold on. I have a question,” Rufio pipes up. “If the fumes affect Idols, who does all the mining?”

“Who do you think, boy? We do.” Harry stuffs up his chest.

“But you said no one comes around here.” Rosie joins the conversation.

“I said no one comes to the campgrounds during winter, and it’s true. But there are volunteers working the mines during the day. Now that the war has started, we need as much lightning-glass as possible.”

My forehead begins to throb, no doubt because of the fumes. “Can we go now?”

“Shit. I’m sorry, Daisy. Is it getting really bad?” Rufio steps closer and begins to rub my back.

Goose bumps form underneath my jacket where Rufio touches me, even through the layers of clothing. The friction also causes heat that spreads through my limbs and between my legs.

“A little,” I murmur, a bit out of breath.

He laces his fingers with mine and tug me toward the forest. “Let’s go, then.”

I feel Harry’s and Artex’s gazes burn a hole through my face. Shit. Do Rufio and I look too cozy for their morals? I don’t pull my hand from his though. I’m not going to let some zealot freaks dictate how I should live my life.

We don’t wait for them to guide us back. The path in the forest is pretty obvious now that my eyesight has adjusted to the gloom. However, it’s clear the brothers want to remain in charge. They hurry ahead of us and then lead us the rest of the way.

The first bungalow is where I’m staying with Felicity, Rosie, and Renata. Ah, crap. I wonder how that’s going to work. Rosie still won’t even come close to the Idol girl. Harry unlocks the door, which squeaks as it opens. He walks into the dark and then pulls the switch of the light bulb dangling from the ceiling. There are three bunk beds with exposed, stained mattresses. They’re probably lumpy too. Fancy, this place ain’t, but I’ve slept in worse locations.

I glance at Renata, who has probably never slept anywhere but five-stars hotels. Surprisingly, she’s not looking at anything with revulsion but rather with detached curiosity. Maybe she isn’t as bad as her other friends were. But whatever.

“The linens are in this closet,” Harry points out. “They’re clean, but perhaps a little dusty.”

“It’s fine. We really appreciate the hospitality,” Felicity replies.

He nods. “I will leave you to get settled. You all look like you need a good night’s rest.”

No sooner does the man leave than Rosie strides toward one of the bunk beds. “I’ll take the top.”

Felicity veers toward the closet and winces when she opens the door. “Clean, he said?” She pulls out one gray sheet and shakes it open, creating a cloud of dust.

Rosie starts to sneeze, and I’m close too. Once Felicity is done shaking off the dust from the fabric, I can see it’s actually white, not gray.

“I wonder what he considers filthy, then?” I say.

“Well, did you pay attention to their clothes? It looked like they hadn’t been washed in months.” Renata scrunches her nose.

“Well, maybe they can’t afford the laundromat. Not everyone in the world swims in money,” Rosie retorts.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend anyone.”

“It’s best if you don’t make comments, girlie. You’re out of your element here,” Felicity says.

Her tone isn’t as harsh as Rosie’s was, but she’s not keen on sharing the roof with Renata either.

“Let’s make the beds and go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow,” I tell them.



Getting comfortable enough to sleep took a while, but I know I’ve finally succumbed to slumber when I find myself in the cozy chalet in the mountains that Phoenix brought me to once in his dreams. Snow is falling outside, just like the last time. He’s waiting for me in front of the crackling fireplace. When he looks over his shoulder, the bright smile that splits his face makes me all fuzzy and warm inside.

“Hello, love. Sorry to invade your dreams again.”

“Don’t be sorry. It’s a welcome invasion.”

I breach the distance between us, immediately seeking the comfort of his embrace. His arms snake around my back as his head dips. His lips are warm and taste like apples. I lean into him, tilting my head to the Copyright 2016 - 2024