Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,47

revelation. Your job here is done. You can leave now.”

“Daisy, maybe we shouldn’t be so hasty in dismissing her,” Rufio butts in. “We need as much help from Idols as possible.”

I glance at him, ready to lash out. But through the red haze of rage, I catch the true meaning of his statement. He can’t offer his help, so he’s trying to compensate for it. First with the desire to use the Idol-killing bullets, and now accepting Renata as an ally. My anger deflates as clarity shines through.

“How do we know she’s not a spy for your father?” I ask.

“She’s sincere,” Toby replies. “I can’t read her thoughts, but I could tell if she were lying.”

“We can decide this later,” Xavier chimes in. “The most important thing right now is to get off the streets.”

“Where are we going now? Agent Torrance knew where we were before. It’s possible you have a traitor in your midst,” Phoenix replies.

Xavier’s gaze turns darker, worried. It’s the first time I’ve seen him unsure of himself.

“What about the Knights? They brought us to a secret location in the woods after we took care of Mr. Westbrook,” Rufio says.

No sooner does he bring them up than a black SUV pulls into the parking lot. Every fiber in my body becomes tense. More fucking cops. How did they find us?

Xavier puts a hand on my shoulder. “Relax, honey. I called Gunther a few minutes ago. Those are his associates. They’re here for Delta.”

Two men wearing a military-style dark uniform and mean attitudes to match their ensemble step out of their vehicle and head our way. I’m blasted immediately by the potency of their powers. They’re definitely not trying to hide anything.

“Xavier. You’re looking rough,” the tallest of them says.

“Getting shot in the guts will do that to a man.”

“Where’s the prisoner?” the second Knight asks.

“He’s inside. We put him in the storage room,” Felicity answers.

Both men switch their attention to my friend. One keeps his expression impartial, but the tall one has the trace of a smirk on his lips. “We?”

Felicity’s eyes bug out first and then narrow. “Well, I was the one who suggested sticking him in there.”

“I hope you did more than lock him in a room, Xavier,” the first Knight says.

“Fuck off, Rick. Who do you take me for, an amateur?” Xavier heads back to the diner but stops at the door to look over his shoulder. “Are you coming or not?”

Rick and his friend get moving. Since we already dealt with the reason for us being outside, we should follow them and get back inside too. We’ve been out in the open for too long.

“What should I do?” Renata asks.

“Leave,” Rosie replies angrily.

“Rosie, come on,” Toby says. “If I can forgive Renata, why can’t you?”

“Dude, just shut up,” Phoenix tells him. “You’re digging your grave here.”

“Clearly Toby has already made up his mind,” Morpheus says. “So, it’s up to you, Daisy. You were the other one who suffered at her hands. You decide.”

I don’t need to glance at Rosie to know what she wants me to do. If circumstances were different, I’d tell Renata to get lost. But we aren’t in a position to refuse help.

“You can stay, but I’ll be watching you like a hawk. Give me one reason to believe you’re double-crossing us, I’ll unmake you.”

Her eyes grow twice their size. I feel horrible for threatening to unmake her in front of Rufio, but I do need to put the fear of God in her heart. If she betrays us, it could cost our lives.

“I’m not going to betray you. I swear.”

Rosie pushes Renata out of her way and stomps back to the diner. I fear I might have set back the progress I made with her. First I didn’t kill Delta, and now I’m letting Renata into our fold.

Morpheus places a hand on my lower back. “She’ll come around.”

“I hope so. I can’t allow my personal baggage to affect my decisions. I think that’s what Chaos is counting on. He wants me to lose control and go on a rampage.”

“There’s something I need to tell yo—”

The diner door opens again, and out come the two Knight agents dragging Delta between them. He’s still handcuffed with a bag over his head.

Rick looks in my direction. “Why are you still outside? There’s a bounty on your head, you know.”

“Come on, Daisy,” Morpheus says.

Renata is the last one to follow us inside the diner. Rosie and Toby were having an argument on the Copyright 2016 - 2024