Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,42

idea there were bullets able to kill an Idol. My ears are ringing now, thanks to the explosion. Xavier is bleeding on the ground after he took a bullet meant for me. Phoenix is frozen as he watches a massive shadow cover Delta from head to toe. Rufio is on the ground facedown, unmoving.


“Rufio!” I run at breakneck speed, dropping to my knees next to him. I turn him around, and immediately I notice the big gash on his forehead. His eyelids flicker, and then slowly he opens them.

“Daisy. Are you okay?”

“I should be the one asking you that question. What were you thinking, going after Delta like that?”

“I couldn’t simply watch you guys fight and do nothing.”

The wind picks up speed, howling. Strands of my hair flap around my face, like whips punishing me. I glance over my shoulder, widening my eyes when I see Chaos’s storm approach.

“Come on. We have to get out of here.” I help Rufio back onto his feet.

Thunder roars in the distance, or maybe it’s Chaos’s evil laughter. I don’t know. We run back to where Xavier is sitting up. He took a bullet to his stomach, and the blood has drenched most of his shirt. He’s clutching his midsection, and his face is twisted in pain.

“Can you stand?” Rufio asks.

“Yes,” he grunts. “Where’s the gun?”

Shit. I left the gun behind. I retrace my steps and collect the weapon, tucking it behind my jeans after I put the safety back on.

Xavier and Rufio have their gazes trained on the dark sky when I return to their side.

“We’re out of time,” Xavier mumbles.

A strangled cry draws my attention to Phoenix. But the noise isn’t coming from him. Delta is the one making those pitiful sounds. He’s writhing on the ground while Morpheus stands over him, aloof and almost unreachable. That’s him in his true demigod form.

He lifts his face and our gazes meet. His usually warm brown eyes are now glowing like molten lava. He’s different and yet the same to me. I take a step forward, only to be stopped by a lightning bolt that strikes the space in between us. Morpheus switches his attention upward, curling his hands into fists.

“You’re not going to win, Chaos! I won’t let you take Daisy away from us.”

In response, Chaos strikes Morpheus next, but somehow he’s able to withstand the hit.

“Holy fuck!” Rufio blurts out. “He didn’t even flinch.”

The clouds gather close together, spinning as they form a massive system. Electricity snaps in the air. I think he’s creating a tornado. The wind’s howling intensifies, reminding me of a freight train approaching. I feel powerless, unable to stop what’s happening.

“You’re not powerless,” a familiar female voice speaks to me.

“What can I do against a god?”

“There’s strength in numbers.”

I drag Xavier and Rufio with me, running as fast as I can back to the car. But I halt when I get close to Delta, the man who took my parents from me. Rage erupts from my core, making me forget the menace of Chaos for a moment. I want to kill him, pulverize his bones for all the pain he’s caused Rosie and me. I can’t think about anything else but getting my revenge. It’s an all-consuming thought of destruction, of hate.

Then I hear his wicked laughter in my head. Chaos is enjoying this. He wants me to lash out, to strike the bastard. And maybe it’s the rebellious streak in me, but I don’t want to do anything that gives him pleasure. Fuck that. Fuck him.

I glance at the sky and shout, “You want me to kill him, don’t you?”

“It’s what you want. Don’t deny your true nature, Magia. You’re the Unmaker, the destroyer.”

“I’m not fucking Magia.”

Delta stops struggling, and his bugged eyes are unfocused .

“We’re taking him with us,” I say.

“What? As a prisoner?” Phoenix asks.


“No,” Rosie butts in. I didn’t even see her get out of the car. She’s glowering at me, displaying the hatred that was coursing through my veins just a moment ago.

“We’re ending this now. If you can’t kill him, I will.”

She steps forward only for Morpheus to block her. “Can’t you see? If you kill him now, you’ll only be giving Chaos more strength. He wants to see us fall into despair and violence.”

“I don’t care! That monster took my parents from me!” she cries out.

Chaos laughs again. Damn it. He’s winning.

“Xavier is dying. Would you sacrifice the only parental figure we have left in order to satiate your need for Copyright 2016 - 2024