Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,40

or cannot do. This is about honor. We made a promise to never let each other down. I can’t help Morpheus now, but Daisy and Phoenix can.”

Xavier takes his eyes off the road for one second to glower at Rufio through the rearview mirror. Two black SUVs stop ahead of us across the road in that moment, blocking our way.

“Shit! Look out!” I yell, and at the same time, I use telekinesis to force our vehicle to stop and avoid a collision.

“What the hell!” Xavier blurts out.

A second later, he pulls a gun from the holster he had hidden underneath his jacket. Shit, I didn’t know he was packing. But what can an ordinary gun do against an Idol?

“What’s going on?” Rosie, who had been mega quiet until that moment, asks.

“Stay calm, everyone,” Xavier orders.

Two Idol agents exit one of the first vehicles. But it’s not until the driver of the second car reveals himself that my entire body becomes tense. “That’s Agent Torrance, the cop who’s investigating my father’s disappearance. We need to get out of here. Now!”

Tires screech behind us, and without looking, I know our only route of escape is now blocked too. Damn everything to hell!

“He’s after me. Stay in the car. I’ll handle this,” I say.

“Bullshit you’re doing this alone.” Daisy gets out first, garnering a string of curses from me and Xavier.

I follow her, but Xavier stays behind the wheel. He knows that if something happens to Daisy or me, he’s the only one capable of protecting Rosie and Rufio. I’d give Daisy a tongue-lashing for her reckless behavior if I didn’t have to deal with the asshole cop. How did he know where to find us? I guess Xavier’s safe house wasn’t safe after all.

“What the fuck is the meaning of this?” I ask. “Are you looking for a second round of ass whooping?”

Agent Torrance’s expression twists in rage. He hasn’t forgotten the last time we met. I broke free from the cuffs that were dampening my powers in the police precinct’s interrogation room and showed him you don’t mess with powerful Idols like me.

“This is justice.” He pulls out a set of special handcuffs from his jacket. “You either come with me peacefully, or I’ll be compelled to use force.”

“Why does he have to come with you? Didn’t you already interrogate him?” Daisy retorts angrily.

He cocks his head to the side, watching her now with keen interest. I’d be more than glad to sic Daisy on his ass, but I know the nasty tricks he can pull. He’s a fire elemental who melted Rufio’s car with me in it. And unfortunately, she needs to touch someone to unmake them.

“Yes, but new evidence has come to light.” His eyes gleam with malice. “It seems if you’re persuasive enough, you can make the most loyal servants babble.”

“What are you taking about?” I grit out, doing my best to keep my anger in check. I can’t invade his mind thanks to the necklace he wears around his neck containing a vial of my blood. A parting gift from my asshole father to his minion. It’s the only thing that can protect someone from my ability.

“Your old butler, Vargas, was all too happy to tell us everything that went down on the evening your father died. So, you see, I’m not only here for you, Mr. Westbrook, I’m here for your accomplice, Miss Daisy Rodale.”

His arms shoot forward, and a string of bright blue electricity forms. One of his fucking Tasers. I knew he was going to pull some crap like that. But the zap is moving at a snail’s pace. Unfortunately, the cop isn’t. He must be wearing a protective vest that makes him immune to Daisy’s power. Before he can try something else against her, I tackle him, regretting that I didn’t have the time to grab a lightning-glass weapon from our stash in the safe house before we had to escape.

I fall on top of him with my hands wrapped around his neck. I can’t use my powers on his mind, but I can choke the life out of him. The sound of shots being fired and the smell of gunpowder hit me all at once. Daisy screams. But I can’t take my eyes off the guy underneath me.

“What did you do to Vargas?” I yell.

He tries to pry my hands off his neck to no avail. I’m much stronger than him. His face is turning purple. I’m about to crush his windpipe Copyright 2016 - 2024