Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,30

all those years ago.”

She nods. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner.”

“How did you know where to find us?”

Her eyes are brimming with unshed tears when she looks away, dropping her gaze to her lap. “I had been there before. It’s where I first met your father.”

“How did you get there?”

“He brought me there. But he showed me a different side of it. He called it Starlight Island.”

My jaw slackens while my pulse quickens. “That’s the name of the island Norms believe to be a paradise.”

“I’m aware of the legend. I don’t blame them for thinking that. What I saw was idyllic and peaceful. When I was with your father, I never saw the dark side of the island. I had no idea such a despicable being lived there too.”

I pull my hair back, yanking at the strands. “My father stopped the island god from punishing my brother and me. He blocked his blow. He’s a god too, isn’t he?”

“Yes. Your father is Erebus, the god of shadows and darkness.”

My power surges suddenly, coiling violently inside of my chest. My heart is racing while I grapple with the truth. I’m a demigod, then. And my father is not an ordinary god.

“Erebus is a primordial deity,” I murmur, still too shocked by the revelation.

“Yes. And I believe the god who has been tormenting you and your friends is Chaos, Erebus’s father.”

“That son of a bitch is my grandfather?” My voice rises to a shrill.

At once, the invisible lightning tattoo—his mark—burns on my back as if answering my question.

Mom closes her eyes and whispers, “Yes.”

I pass a hand over my face. “He wants Daisy gone. Fuck.”

“She’s special. If he wants her gone, it means she poses a threat to him.”

“Daisy is the Unmaker.”

I don’t see the point in keeping the truth from Mom when our enemy already knows her identity.

“The Unmaker? I thought there had only been one Idol with that power, and she surrendered her gift.”

“Daisy is her direct descendant. When Bryce healed her, he awakened the power within her. But why would Chaos want to kill her?”

“Because he’s Chaos. He thrives on turmoil and destruction. The more harm he does to mortals, the stronger he becomes.”

I rest my head in my hands. “How am I going to keep Daisy safe from him? He’s too strong.”

Mom touches my shoulder, squeezing it. “You love that girl, don’t you?”

I turn to her. “With every piece of my black heart.”

“Oh, Morpheus. Your heart is not black. You may be the son of shadows, but you’re pure light.”

“Am I, Mom? My grandfather is a psycho. My half brother is a villain. As for my father…”

“He was kind to me. He may be darkness, but he knows how to love. Besides, you can’t let your heritage define you. You’re not evil. You’re the kindest person I know.” She cups my face, staring at me with undiluted love.

The memory of me lashing out at my former tutor and Daisy coming to his defense pops in my head.

“You’re wrong about me. I used to be vile, a bully who took pleasure in tormenting people who were weaker than me.”

“Do you still do that?”

I look away. “No, not anymore.”

“Why is that, honey? What made you stop?”

“Daisy. She rescued me from the pit of despair. I was so lost before she came into my life.” I face my mother again. “I can’t let Chaos harm her, Mom.”

“You won’t. You’re a demigod, Morpheus. There’s more power in you than you know.”

I laugh without humor. “If I can just figure how to tap into all this power, that’d be great. The war for Norms and Fringes has started.”

“I know. It’s all our community has been talking about. Hard times are ahead of us, but we must endure. Oppressed people don’t stay like that for long. Rebellion is inevitable.”

“What are you and your husband are going to do?”

She gives me a loaded glance. “I don’t know about Tarek, but I’m going to fight.”

The fire in her eyes surprises me. She’s been meek and subdued my entire life, living under the thumb of her husband.

I smile proudly. “I should try to convince you to stay away, but I won’t. I’m glad to have you by my side.”



Still in the throes of mortification, I hastily leave Phoenix’s room with every intention of taking a very cold shower. But I’m intercepted by Rosie, who comes running into the hallway with her phone in her hand and eyes that are too big for her face.

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