Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,26

felt more superfluous than it does now that we’re on the brink of a civil war.

As I near the main school building, I sense something is wrong. I quicken my steps and burst through the main double doors, ready to face something nasty. I can’t really put my finger on the feeling. It’s like an ominous cloud is hanging over my head. The hallways are empty, which at this hour is weird as fuck. They should be bursting with students on their way back to class after lunch.

I send a quick text to Toby. It’s highly likely that he didn’t skip any classes like me. There’s no response from him by the time I reach the school cafeteria. Only a few tables are occupied. Where the hell is everyone?

The few students present turn to gawk at me. I recognize one of them: Nate, a fire elemental. I’d ask him if something happened, but I’m getting pretty hostile vibes from the guy and his friends. I veer for the buffet, which is currently manned by only one employee.

“Did I miss the lunch crowd?” I ask with a grin, but the Fringe simply looks at me with a vacant stare.

“We only have the vegetarian lasagna left,” he says.

“It’s okay. I’m not hungry.”

The back of my neck prickles, announcing the approach of a few people. I count five different Idol signatures behind me. The Fringe worker steps back, then turns around and runs from the cafeteria. All right, then.

Unfazed, I pivot on the spot and find myself surrounded by Nate and his posse. None of them come close to me on the scale of power, but I guess they’d figure ganging up on me would give them a better chance.

I look at them with dispassionate curiosity. “You’re in my way.”

“What’s up, Bryce? Where’s the rest of your crew?” a female voice taunts from my right. The circle of hostile students opens a little, allowing me to see Cherise Blake, Drusilla’s old friend.

“What the hell are you doing here? You were expelled.”

She twirls a finger around a lock of hair, smiling wickedly. “That decision has been revoked. I’m back, babe.”

“We’ll see about that,” I grit out, then turn to the other idiots. “Move or I’ll make you.”

They take a step forward, crowding me. “I’d like to see you try. You’re outnumb—” Nate begins.

I sling my arm forward, and the five idiots fly backward. Three in the group fall against a table nearby, breaking it into pieces. Two manage to avoid the collision thanks to their gifts. They come at me with all their hatred and might. Both are air elementals, and they combine their powers to try to knock me down by creating a powerful gust of wind. I bend my knees, locking them into position. I’m about to fry those two motherfuckers when one of them hurls a throwing star at me. I can’t redirect the source of my power fast enough to block the weapon. It hits me in the shoulder, piercing through skin and muscle, burning.

Fucking hell. This is a lightning-glass weapon. The Neo Gods have breached the academy.

The realization hits me like a cannonball, adding fuel to my rage. No wonder Cherise is back.

I direct an electric discharge toward the two elementals, hitting them square in their chests. The force of the hit sends them soaring all the way toward the end of the room. I don’t care if they live or die.

With a wince, I remove the throwing star, dropping it in my pocket while I prepare to face the other three assholes who I had knocked down earlier. Cherise, so far, hasn’t attacked. She seems content just watching. The tallest of the trio has his hands engulfed by flames. Great. Another elemental. He throws several fireballs in my direction, which is easy enough to avoid. But I only realize it was a planned distraction when Cherise finally joins the fight and sends more lightning-glass throwing stars at me.

I avoid most of them through telekinesis, sending them back at her. She’s able to evade them all. Damn it. My energy levels are dropping fast thanks to the lightning-glass poison in my system. I’ve been hit in two more spots—my right arm and my left forearm—and each time hurts more than last.

A roar escapes from deep in my throat. I tap every bit of power I have in me, creating a ball of energy bright enough to blind. When the illumination encompasses the entire room, I unleash all my might. Copyright 2016 - 2024