Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,24

lap. “I don’t remember the details of the nightmare, but it left my soul soiled by tar.” A shuddering breath leaves his lips. “That monster won’t let go of me even after his demise.”

My resolution to keep my distance from him until I learn to control my powers shatters like broken glass. I reach for Phoenix’s hand, needing to show him through actions how much I love him. He trembles under my touch, then turns his face to mine.

“He will be gone, Phoenix. I’ll help you extract him like one does poison from a wound. I swear.”

Fat tears run down his cheeks. My face is damp too, and the choke in my throat is so immense it feels like I can’t draw air in. Phoenix swings his arm around my neck and pulls me to him too fast for me to stop him. Our lips clash with the intensity of a storm; our tongues mingle, impatient and ravenous, as if the world is ending and this is our last kiss.

My arms circle around his back, and soon we’re connected chest to chest. But the headiness I’m feeling isn’t only the bliss of pure love. There’s a shadow hanging in between us—my powers, trying to unmake Phoenix.

No. I can’t let this strange force control me. I won’t ruin the life of another loved one.

A groan of pure need comes from Phoenix’s throat as he deepens the kiss, pulling me even closer to him. He doesn’t seem to notice or care that I’m taking his Idol essence into me. I want to move away and meld myself to him at the same time.

I have to end this one way or another. Using the visualization technique Morpheus taught me, I picture the strands of power coming into me as ribbons. All I need now is a pair of scissors to cut them. But imagining them is harder than I thought. I can’t quite make it hold its shape. It doesn’t help either when I’m so distracted by Phoenix’s tongue and caresses.

With effort, I pull away from his kiss, but we’re still touching, which means I’m still stealing from him. He tries to follow my mouth, but I place my fingers over his swollen lips.

“Hold on. I’m unmaking you, and I need to stop.”

His green eyes widen a bit. “I didn’t feel a thing. I dared to believe you had learned to control your abilities.”

“Not yet, but I need your help.”

“Anything, babe.”

“Don’t distract me.”

The corners of his lips twitch upward. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Right. I’m going to close my eyes, and you’re going to remain utterly still.”


I watch him for a couple of beats, but not because I don’t trust him. It’s just so damn hard to not stare at his beautiful face. With a deep breath, I finally close my eyes and restart the exercise. It’s a little bit easier to focus now that I don’t have his tongue wreaking havoc on my body, but even the touch of his hands is distracting.

Come on, Daisy, you can do it. Think about the reward when you gain control of your powers for real.

The pep talk works. The scissors take shape in my head. Quickly, I use them to snip all the ribbons connecting me to Phoenix. When the last one is cut, the surge of power going into me ceases. He takes a sharp breath in, and my eyes fly open.

“I can sense the difference now. I feel stronger. You’re no longer taking my powers away.”

“I can’t believe it worked,” I reply in awe.

Phoenix’s mouth splits into a wide smile just before he captures my face between his large hands and kisses me again. I tense, afraid I’m still a thief. But when I feel nothing coming into me, I relax into his arms, surrendering completely to the passion of the moment.

Not only his tongue is hungry—his hands are everywhere, exploring, drawing breathless moans of pleasure from me. I yank the towel that’s wrapped around his waist, finding his cock hard and ready for me. My fingers curl around his length, but Phoenix doesn’t even allow me one second of fun before he uses his telekinesis to place me in the middle of the bed on my back.

“Hey! I wasn’t done.”

“Sorry, babe, but I’m on edge already, and any sudden movement could make me explode.”

“I want to taste you,” I pout.

“Same here.” He crawls toward me, peppering my legs with open kisses that set me ablaze. “Thank heavens you’re not wearing pants.” Copyright 2016 - 2024