Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,116

island were unmade.”

I feel the blood drain from my face. “What?”

“We don’t know how it happened, but the reports keep coming in. Every single Idol hospital has been overrun with people freaking out that they can’t use their powers anymore.”

“Oh my God. I did that.”

Xavier narrows his eyes. “Oh no, honey. No one is blaming you for it. It was most likely Chaos’s last evil act.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “It wasn’t him. It was me. I lost control of my powers for a while. They were unbound.”

“Is it that bad if Idols don’t have powers anymore?” Felicity asks. “Now everyone is equal. Isn’t that what the Knights wanted?”

“But not everyone has been ‘normalized,’” Rufio replies. “I’ve recovered my powers, and everyone in this room still have theirs.”

“Theo hasn’t been unmade either, and he wasn’t on the island,” Xavier chimes in.

“Maybe because he was turned into an Idol by me,” Bryce replies. “We don’t yet know if the entire Idol population has lost their powers.”

Morpheus, who was quiet till now, glances at me. “No, they have. This was all part of the destiny the Fates bestowed upon us.”

“How do you know that?” I ask.

“I’ve been talking with my father.” He shrugs.

“Dude, you didn’t tell us you’re hanging out with Erebus,” Phoenix pipes up.

“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”

I pass a hand over my face. “If they hated me before, now I’ve truly become anathema.”

Phoenix pulls me into a side embrace. “Those who knew the identity of the Unmaker are either your friends or dead. No one will harm you, babe.”

“I’m not worried about that. I just feel so wretched. Not all Idols were evil, and now they were punished along with the bad.”

“Daisy, this was preordained. There was nothing you could have done that would alter the course set by the Fates. Don’t feel guilty about it. It wasn’t your fault,” Morpheus says.

I glance around the room, noticing immediately that they all agree with him. I get what he’s saying. We’re nothing but pawns on the gameboard of the gods. But that doesn’t make me feel better.

I take a deep breath, pushing the feeling aside for now. “All right. There must be tons of things to do. Where do we start?”



Two months later

“Daisy, come on. Let us in,” Phoenix whines.

“No. And if you keep asking, you’re sleeping in the guest room,” I reply as I continue my pacing, staring at the various white sticks on the counter.

It’s been two months since Bryce and I had the condom accident, but with everything that happened in the aftermath of Chaos’s defeat, I didn’t notice I hadn’t gotten my period until today. Then it was panic mode galore. The guys went out and bought every single pregnancy test on the market.

Now my stomach is in knots as I wait for the damn results. In the end, the God-killer didn’t turn out to be a child Bryce and I conceived, but that doesn’t mean I’m not knocked up. Fuck. I pull my hair back, yanking at the strands. I can’t be pregnant. I’m only eighteen. Plus, Xavier will kill me.

A faint pink line begins to appear on the first test. I hold my breath until it turns magenta. But it remains single, which means the test is negative. I wait until the other results come in, and when they all display the same thing, I breathe out in relief.

Then I open the bathroom door and yell, “I’m not pregnant!”

Relief washes over Bryce’s, Rufio’s, and Morpheus’s faces. Only Phoenix seems disappointed.

“Come again?” Xavier asks from the now-open door, looking absolutely livid.

My face becomes as hot as lava. I couldn’t be more embarrassed, and if I had Morpheus’s gift, I’d use it to run away from my uncle’s wrath.

“Daisy, why did you believe you were pregnant?” he asks in a low voice. “I thought you were being careful.”

Bryce jumps from his seat on the bed, standing in between Xavier and me. “We are, Mr. X. We totally are. We had an accident a couple of months back. You see, the condom, uh… broke.”

I cover my face with my hands. Someone kill me now.

“Uh, hello? Why is everyone in the kids’ room?” Leticia asks.

I uncover my face and notice she’s touching Xavier’s shoulder in an intimate way. Phoenix notices it too and narrows his eyes. Oh man, they haven’t come out to him yet about their relationship.

He rises from the bed slowly. “Mom, what’s going on between you and Mr. Copyright 2016 - 2024