Broderick (Sabine Valley #2) - Katee Robert Page 0,76

out here in the light. There is no going back after this, no plausible deniability provided by the shadows. There is just him staring at me like he wants to devour me whole and me staring right back with an invitation I’m still not sure I’m ready to follow through on.


I rock my hips, fucking his fingers as he holds perfectly still. I don’t exactly mean to match my rhythm to Monroe’s, but it happens naturally. My breath hitches. “Broderick.”

“Hmm.” His gaze is so intense, it feels like he’s stroking my entire body. He curls his fingers inside me, unerringly finding my G-spot. Combined with the heel of his palm against my clit, it’s creating a delicious friction with each downward stroke. I’m about to combust.

I’m so fucking close, I’m shaking. Just…not yet. “Broderick.” I gasp. “Truth or dare?”

No hesitation. “Dare.”

“Kiss me.” It’s not even a proper dare, but it doesn’t seem to matter.

Broderick hesitates, and that might be enough to have me running for the hills, but Monroe doesn’t give me a chance. She leans over and digs one hand into my hair and the clasps the back of Broderick’s neck with the other. It’s the barest amount of pressure, but it doesn’t matter. I’m too eager to stop this. I’m the one who voiced the dare, after all.

His breath ghosts against my lips, and then his mouth is on mine. All of his hesitation seems to have been used up in that first moment, because his hand between my legs tenses before he’s hauling me closer so he can take my mouth properly. And he does take my mouth. Broderick’s kiss is a claiming. He dominates with teeth and tongue, and it’s too late for me. I’m coming all over his fingers, sobbing into his mouth with pleasure.

Broderick pulls back a little, and then Monroe is there, taking a kiss of her own. She doesn’t let me sink into it the same way, though. She leans back and looks at my face. “I would like to fuck you properly, Shiloh. Will you let us?”


If I say yes, there’s no going back, but the truth is there was going back the moment I agreed to play this game. I find myself nodding, my brain still fuzzy from the orgasm. “Yes.”

“Perfect.” She presses a kiss to Broderick’s lips. “Sorry, love. You’re going to have to nurse a case of blue balls for a little bit.”


They both look at me. It’s Broderick who answers, “Change your mind?”

“No.” The word comes out too intense, but I don’t want either of them to think, for a single moment, that I’m not 100 percent ready to take this to its natural conclusion. Okay, maybe not 100 percent, but certainly ready enough to go for it. I clear my throat. “Finish this here—I want you both to come.” Broderick’s fingers twitch inside me, which propels me to continue. “I want you to fill her up. I want to taste you there the next time I go down on her.”

Monroe gives a strangled laugh. “You’re so fucking wicked.”

Broderick doesn’t look like he wants to laugh. He stares at me like he’s never seen me before. The moment stretches out between the three of us, thick and sticky and filled with things I don’t know how to put in words. Luckily, they move before I have to figure out how.

He slips his hand from my panties, but I don’t have a chance to mourn the loss because he hooks the back of my neck and tows me in for a kiss. This one is just as dark and full of promise as the first. There truly is no going back after this. I sink into the taste of him, the feel of him, but then his grip shifts, and he’s guiding me to Monroe’s lips.

It blows my mind that I can be so fucking attracted to such different people. She’s just as commanding as he is when she claims my mouth, just as intense and just as filled with a promise of things to come. But where Broderick overwhelmed, Monroe tantalizes and teases, keeping the kiss light even as I try to deepen it. She rocks a little as she fucks Broderick. The reminder has me breaking the kiss so I can see them properly.

I look down and drag in a rough breath. “Fuck.” His cock spreads her pussy obscenely, and all I can think is that I can’t wait to get my mouth on both of Copyright 2016 - 2024