The Brightest Night (Origin #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,57

besides that, we’re cheese and bread, Peaches. I have your back. You have mine. You tell me not to say anything, I don’t say anything, because I know you have a good reason for asking that.”

My heart squeezed as I blurted out, “I love you. I hope you know that. I love you so much.”

His features softened. “I know that. I’ve always known that,” he whispered, dropping a kiss on my forehead. “Tell me what happened.”

Pushing past the knot in my throat, I told him about finding Nate helping himself to some of the food we had in the pantry, and what little information I could glean from the kid.

“Damn.” Luc had moved away from the island, running his hand through the messy, bronze waves. “How old do you think he was?”

“I don’t know. I’m terrible at judging ages, but I would think he’s probably around thirteen, give or take a year? He looked like he’d been wearing the same clothes for weeks if not months.”

“And there’s more?”

I nodded. “I don’t know how many or where they are in the city, but if the rest are in the same condition, they have to be close to starving, Luc. And he was terrified of the Luxen. I can understand it. At least to some extent, but it’s not like he’s had access to the news to be fed more BS about the Luxen.”

“God only knows what he saw during the invasion and afterward, and he’s young. Hell, that kind of stuff traumatizes adults and creates the kind of fear that’s not easy to get over.” Crossing his arms, he turned to the dark sky beyond the kitchen window. “If I went to Cekiah with this, she’d launch a party immediately to find these kids and bring them in.”

“To help them?” I asked hopefully.

He looked over his shoulder at me. “Yes, to help them. They have to be barely getting by in that city.”

“I know, but if they are as scared as I think they are, they’re going to hide, Luc, and considering that they’ve moved unseen in the community, they know how to hide.”

“True.” He returned to the window. “It’s a bit concerning that they’ve snuck past the guards that patrol the walls and the city outskirts, but I’m not surprised. Getting past the wall is one thing, but the city limits is a big space. Anyway, we can’t have them running off and hiding. I’m actually surprised.”

“By what?”

“That you didn’t try to follow him.”

“I thought about it,” I admitted. “But I knew it was too much of a risk. If he saw me, he’d never come back, and I want to be able to help him—help them. I can’t even begin to understand how those kids have survived four years in that city.”

“I can’t, either.” He turned to me. “But following him presents a whole different risk, Peaches. You don’t know anything about this kid, and while I’m not inclined to think it’s some sort of trap related to why we’re here, that doesn’t mean where that kid is heading is remotely safe.”

“I know that, and it’s not like I think I can really take care of myself out there. Being able to kick butt and protect myself isn’t exactly cool if it means losing complete control.” I crossed my ankles. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to help him. I hope he comes back.”

Luc was quiet, and I thought I knew where his mind was heading.

“I know you’re suspicious. You have every reason to be, but this was just a hungry, scared kid, and I didn’t get the impression that there were any adults. If there were, wouldn’t they have been the ones looking for food?”

“You’d think.” Luc sighed as he returned to the island. “I’m not going to say anything to anyone, but you’ve got to promise me you’ll tell me the moment you see him again.”

“That’s graymail, by the way.”

“What?” He leaned against the island.

“Nothing.” I laughed quietly. “I will. I promise.” I knocked my shoulder against his. “I’m kind of surprised you didn’t already know about the kid.”

“I told you, Peaches. I don’t read your mind if I can help it. You weren’t being loud.”

“I feel proud.”

Luc snorted.

I rested my cheek against his shoulder. “Do you think he will come back?”

“I think so.”


“Because after meeting you, I don’t see how anyone could stay away.”


After the most organic dinner I’d ever consumed and the quickest, coldest shower in my entire life, I sat on Copyright 2016 - 2024