The Brightest Night (Origin #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,48

to believe what they were doing was for the greater good. So did Nancy.”

I zeroed in on that name. “Eaton mentioned her when we first talked to him, and Luc didn’t seem to be happy to hear that name.”

“He wouldn’t be.” Kat raised her eyebrows. “Nancy Husher oversaw the Origins; they were her pet project. She basically raised Luc until he escaped, and she was obsessed with finding the most powerful Luxen, believing that would ensure better Origin offspring. That woman was a—” She clamped her mouth shut, shaking her head while I sat there in stunned silence. “Let’s just say I would’ve loved to have been there when Luc ended her life.”

“Luc never told you about her, did he?” Dee read me like an open book. I shook my head. “Well, he probably would rather not think about her.”

“I know I prefer that,” Kat remarked. “And if Luc hasn’t brought her up, then I should shut my mouth.”

I started to disagree.

“It needs to be Luc who tells you about Nancy,” she cut in before I could demand answers. “I might’ve already said too much.”

“It’s not your fault. You probably thought he’d brought her up.” I didn’t know how to feel about not knowing about all of this, but … “A lot has happened since Luc and I … since we reconnected, and he’s been mostly focused on me and what I’ve been going through. There hasn’t been a lot of time for much beyond that.”

I wanted to pat myself on the back. Look at me being all logical instead of getting my feelings irrationally hurt.

I deserved more peanut butter.

“Which leads me to my super-nosy question.” Kat exchanged a look with Dee. “We want to know more about your abilities.”

I told them what I knew I could do, and I was up-front about the fact I had no control over the few times I was able to use the Source. I left out what had happened the night before, because I just didn’t feel Kat needed to worry about how close I’d come to possibly leveling their house. At no point did either of them make me feel like I was an out-of-control freak, and that bolstered my courage to tell them what I did next.

“Luc is going to work with me to get it under control. I don’t want to risk anyone here, and I want to be able to fight back. I want to take the Daedalus down. Permanently. And if I’m as badass as a Trojan is supposed to be, I can help. I can fight with you all,” I said, and there was no missing the quick looks Dee and Kat sent each other. I rushed on before they could rain on my parade. “I know that people are training in the Yard. I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, but I know that’s what’s happening. And I also know that none of you have a reason to trust me, but if I can control this, you all will need me.”

Kat was silent.

It was Dee who spoke. “You’re right. If you can get control of your abilities, we would need you. I’ve never heard of anyone being able to do what you did.”

Nodding, I didn’t let myself get too excited. I could feel a huge but coming along.

And it did. “But I’m not sure what it will take for us to take that risk.” Dee’s bright green eyes held mine. “It’s not something personal. I like you. Plus, according to Zoe, you have a girl crush on me. You have my vote.”

I was going to punch Zoe.


“But it’s not just me, and to be honest, what you are may be too much of a risk,” Dee continued, and the weight of words sank like stones. “If there is just a small chance that you may link up to the Daedalus, it’s too much of a chance.”

Her words were nothing more than the truth—the raw truth—but before I could really feel the burn of those words, I compartmentalized like a pro and nodded. “I understand, but aren’t I already a risk?”

“You are,” Kat admitted. “If you were to link up and report back what you already know, we’d be screwed. All the innocent people here would be screwed.”

“I know—”

“Then you have to know what we’d be forced to do,” Kat cut me off, her gaze steady. “We won’t let you take any information back to the Daedalus.”

My heart turned over heavily as I held her stare, Copyright 2016 - 2024