The Brightest Night (Origin #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,190

had helped. I had a feeling Grayson was going to have to explain why he hadn’t stopped me, and I hoped for his sake he had a better answer than what he’d given me.

When Luc finally was done lecturing me on being safe, he asked, “You think that guy—what was his name?”


“You think he’s abusing those kids or something? Because if so, how do we sit and wait for them to ask for help?”

Right there.

Right there proved Luc cared more than he realized. “Nate said he doesn’t, so it’s just my suspicion, but either way, he’s most likely using those kids to scavenge food and supplies, and God only knows how dangerous that is.”

Luc settled beside me. “We’re going to have to do something.”

I looked over at him. “I know. I just hope they come to us. If we force them, I think it will confirm their fears. Not only that, if we go there, they’ll run.”

“I have a feeling those kids know where to hide.”

I nodded. “Do you think the others will be okay with taking them in?”

“Cekiah and the others would gladly take them in,” Luc said. “I don’t doubt that for a moment.”

That was a relief to hear, and I hoped it was the case. We stayed there for a little while longer, but the warmth and silence didn’t last long. Dee and Archer returned later that afternoon, having already known about Blake. Somehow Daemon had gotten a message to them. Had he used a carrier pigeon or something?

Almost everyone was at the old library, piled into the main room. Surrounded by stacks of books, the council who refused to call themselves a council took up one of the long conference-style tables. Luc and I sat side by side on one of the smaller tables, our legs dangling as we listened as one hour turned into two hours of them arguing about what to do with Blake and Chris.

Not entirely surprisingly, Dee wanted him dead. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. And also not entirely surprisingly, more than half of the unofficial but totally official council was stuck on the moral wrongness of it all.

I had a headache.

Okay, I didn’t have a real headache, but I had an imaginary one that felt as painful as any I’d ever had.

“We should have a trial,” someone suggested.

“Are you guys serious?” Dee exclaimed, throwing up her hands. Archer had stepped outside at some point, and I had no idea where or why, but I was so envious of him.

So envious.

“A trial?” Daemon scoffed. “And who is the judge?”

“Who would be the jury of his peers?” Zouhour asked. “Do we need to find a handful of people who’ve been in his situation before? A trial seems pointless.”

“We have a jury of his peers.” Cekiah gestured at those sitting at the table. “There are people right here who have been under the control of the Daedalus before. Who could possibly—”

“If you think for one second any of us can sympathize with him, you’re out of your mind,” Kat said. “And if you think we’re going to stay here while he’s here? Not going to happen.”

“We don’t want anyone to feel unsafe,” Quinn, the older Luxen male, said. “And we understand your history.”

Vibrant, enraged green eyes flicked to the Luxen. “I don’t think you do.”

Quinn leaned forward. “We have to take Chris into consideration. I’ve spoken to him. He’s been nothing more than a hostage.”

Slowly, I looked over at Luc. A moment later, two purple eyes met mine. I sighed. One side of his lips kicked up.

I can’t take much more of this, I told him.

They just keep talking in circles, he agreed, glancing back to where Daemon looked like he was seconds away from flipping a table. At least that would be something different. Why don’t you head out of here? No reason for you to be in here.

If I go, you go.

The other side of his lips curved up as he leaned over, kissing my lips. I would love nothing more. Maybe we could have a repeat of this afternoon. A pause as he leaned back. Not the deep, dark part. But what came after. I think I got rug burns on my back.

My face flamed with heat. “Nuh-uh,” I gasped.

Cekiah looked over at us with a slight pinch to her face.

Running his hand over his mouth, he muffled his laugh.

I hate you.

That was not what you were saying earlier.

I looked at him.

He managed to wipe the grin from his Copyright 2016 - 2024