The Brightest Night (Origin #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,145

each other, neither of us were aware of exactly when the door opened behind us.

“I feel like there are better porches to do that on,” came Hunter’s voice. “Namely, any of them that aren’t mine.”

Eyes popping open, I saw Luc grin right before he gave me one more quick kiss and pivoted to face the Arum. “I’d apologize, but that would insinuate that I cared.”

Hunter snorted as he glanced at me. “I don’t know how you put up with him.”

“If she knew you any better, she’d be asking Serena the same.”

A semblance of a smile appeared as he showed us in. “True story.”

Following Luc and Hunter inside, the first impression that I got of the small house was that it was very monochromatic. White, bare walls. Black couches and chairs sat beside black end tables and a black coffee table. Curtains and carpet white, there was literally no color in the house with the exception of the small, wooden figurines that were sprinkled through the living area. A wolf was perched on the end table beside a black lantern. A large bear stood on its hind legs between two white pillar candles that had burned halfway down. There was a horse mid-gallop on the other end table, and several small dogs lined up on what had once been a TV stand. Each of the figurines was detailed in a way I imagined took hours of making the smallest nicks and cuts in the wood.

Do you think he looked for the house that was already decorated in black and white? I asked, wondering how we ended up with angel-palooza.

Probably. He needed a place as deep and dark as his troubled thoughts. Arum are goth like that.

I snorted.

Hunter’s eyes narrowed. “You two having a private conversation over there? Sort of rude to do that in someone else’s house.”

Suddenly finding the carved bear absolutely fascinating, I hoped he couldn’t tell my cheeks were getting hot.

“We would never do such a thing. Where is Serena?” Luc swiftly changed the subject as he sat on the couch, patting the spot next to him. I took it as Hunter took the chair kitty-corner to it.

“She’s visiting with Kat.” He kicked a booted foot up on the coffee table. “Getting in some baby time.”

“Why am I not surprised you’re sitting that visit out?”

His shoulders shook with a silent laugh as he dropped his arm over his bent knee. “Few things in life scare me. Babies are one of them.”

Huh. Hunter and I had something in common.

“So, you all wanted to talk?” The ultra-pale gaze flicked to me. “I’m really hoping you’re not here for another apology.”

I snorted. “No.”

“And I also hope you’re not here to thank me again. I don’t think I can live through that again.”

Pressing my lips together until I puffed up my cheeks as my eyes widened, I replied, “I may have been a bit enthusiastic in my response.”

“I thought you were going to hug me.”

“That you did not have to worry about. I don’t make a habit of hugging people who wanted to kill me the day before.”

A hint of white teeth flashed when he smiled. “Wise choice. So, why are you two here?”

Luc was silent as I scooted to the edge of the couch. “Before I ask you anything, I wanted to say I’m sorry about your brother.”

“Why would you be?” His fingers started tapping along the arm of the chair. “Did you know him?”

“Actually, I did meet him. Briefly.” I explained how I’d run into him outside the club. “He didn’t attack me or anything. Sort of said goodbye and went inside.”

A muscle flexed all his jaw. “Lore didn’t make it a habit of attacking teenage girls.”

“Good to know,” I murmured.

“What are your questions?” he prodded, obviously not wanting to focus on his brother’s loss.

More than anyone, I got that. Every time the image of Mom appeared, I immediately thought of anything else. I wondered if Luc did the same. “You sensed me, right? Or you sensed Sarah or both of us. How did you? Other Arums have—”


I nodded.

His gaze flicked to Luc. “You can’t sense her?”

“Nope. Neither can Luxen,” he replied.

“Interesting,” Hunter murmured. “I can do something you can’t.”

“That must be an amazing feeling,” Luc replied. “I wouldn’t know. You see, I’ve spent my entire life doing things you can’t do.”


Hunter chuckled. “You’re such an asshole.”

“That’s why you like me.”

“True.” He nodded. “I could sense the Arum in you, but it didn’t feel right. It was too faint. I don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024