The Bride (The Wedding Series) - By Christine Dorsey Page 0,12

more to it than that. The people of Newport and their proper lives annoyed him. Except for Eleanor.

John repressed that thought and turned his attention back to her father when he spoke.

“I told you yesterday that Eleanor loves sailing. It’s the one place where she shines, so to speak.”

John wanted to tell Franklin that Eleanor shone a lot more than he gave her credit for, but he was too busy worrying about his queasy stomach. For if there was one place that John didn’t belong it was on a boat.

He discovered that the first time he boarded one. His mother had died and there was nothing for him in New Orleans. So he decided to sign on a ship heading around the Cape of Good Hope. California was the call he would follow. But getting there was a nightmare of nausea and storms and decks that tilted so far off center he thought they’d surely capsize.

He was fourteen at the time, passing for sixteen, and doing his best to keep his malady hidden. For three months he endured, finally gaining his sea legs as they traveled north up the California coast. And he swore to himself that as soon as he crossed the gangplank he’d keep his feet firmly planted on land. A vow he kept until today.

It was a testament to how impatient John was becoming with this courtship that he agreed to Franklin’s plan. Eleanor enjoyed sailing. He could pretend... for a day. And they’d be chaperoned by the one person other than himself, who wished his suit to succeed... her father.

And there would be no Matilda Fiske to cope with. For Franklin had assured him Matilda never sailed. But Eleanor’s mother had done her best to cross him anyway, and she didn’t even realize it. She’d insisted Sir Alfred be included... even though she had no idea John would be aboard.

Minutes later Sir Alfred helped Eleanor on board and they left the pier. Franklin Fiske prided himself on his sailing and it was obvious Sir Alfred did too. He quickly took over the task of first mate. Which was fine with John.

The sky was blue, the sea calm and the wind just brisk enough to send them skimming across the waves. And still his stomach revolted.

But by the expression on Eleanor’s face it was obvious she loved the experience. Looking out over the bow, her hair blowing free of the pink ribbon, she looked very young and almost beautiful.

John swallowed down a wave of nausea and decided on the spot to furnish her with expensive boats and crew after their marriage. He would be in Montana most of the time anyway, but there was no reason why she couldn’t enjoy herself.

She looked toward him and smiled shyly and he couldn’t help the pang of regret. For the circumstances surrounding their meeting... for the marriage he would propose. She deserved better. He glanced toward Sir Alfred and remembered his decision that Eleanor deserved better than him, too. Which she wasn’t likely to get knowing how her mother favored that union.

So the choice was simple. And to John’s way of thinking easily made. After all, he could provide Eleanor with all the material things she could ever want.

“You seem pensive.” Eleanor settled into the seat beside John.

John forced a smile. He imagined pensive was a courteous term to describe the way he looked. At least if it was anything like he felt. He ignored her statement. “You certainly appear to be enjoying yourself.”

“I am, but...” She reached out to touch his cheek, then obviously thought better of it and let her hand drop. “Are you all right?”

“Fine.” John sucked in his breath. “Perhaps just a bit seasick.”

“Oh my. Should we turn back?” Eleanor shaded her eyes and stared toward the fading shoreline.

“No.” John grabbed her hand when she would have moved toward her father. “It will pass.”

“Are you sure?”

“It always does,” John lied. “But you seem to be enjoying the ride.”

“Yes.” She turned her face to the breeze, letting the wind sweep over her. “My earliest happy memory is of sailing. Mother hates it so she never came along. It was just my father and me.” Her lashes lowered. “I never seem to spill anything when I’m sailing.”

She glanced over at him and laughed and John decided to buy her the largest yacht he could find. He only regretted he would be away from her most of the lime, unable to see her pleasure.

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