Bride of the Traitor (The Prophecy of Sisters #1) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,79

what Jasmine is saying is true. I shouldn’t be the believer that I am, or fill her with false hope, but I know that Katrina is beautiful inside and out and she should have the man of her choosing.

Instead of telling her to go for it, to throw herself at him, I wrap her in my arms and give her a hug. “The man that deserves you will come into your life and he will cherish you and the gift that you’ve saved for him,” I whisper against the side of her ear.

Jasmine clears her throat and they get back to business, packing the rest of my things, the giggling excitement having faded for a moment. Deciding to leave them be, I head outside for a bit of sunshine and a short walk before I am forced to sit on the back of Lightning for who knows how long.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I don’t pay attention to where I’m walking as I make my way around the grounds in the bright sunshine. The snow is all gone, the sun having melted the last of it just a few days ago. It’s warm and the purple grass sparkles beneath my feet.

I’m thinking, completely lost in thought. I feel guilty. I should miss my parents, my family, my home and my life in Portland. It’s been months and I know by now my family must realize that I’m gone. I can’t imagine what they’re feeling, but I don’t want to go back.

Elias is here. My life with him, the love that I believe is growing between us, it is beyond anything that I ever imagined possible. This world is big, bright, and beautiful. It also feels like home, strangely enough.

Maybe it’s just the fact that I’m falling in love with my husband, but everything here just feels right. My guilt consumes me though, I feel like I need to try to contact my parents, let them know that I’m okay, but I don’t know how.

I run into something and stumble backward. Lifting my head, I realize that it was another person, a woman. She’s watching me, her head tilted to the side.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you,” I apologize.

She watches me for another moment before she gives me a small curtsy, dipping her chin then rising again. She smiles, but it’s not friendly, it looks catty. I know catty, too. You don’t have three sisters and not realize when a woman is about to be a bitch.

My eyes sweep her length and I suddenly feel very self-conscious. She’s at least two inches taller than me and twenty pounds thinner.

Her hair is a dark chestnut and is shiny and gorgeous, her eyes such a light blue that they are almost clear. She’s gorgeous. She looks a lot like my sister Birdie with her dark hair and light eyes.

Her dress is made of a pretty chiffon fabric and is a lot nicer than most of the women I’ve seen in town. She has some kind of standing and wealth, but I have no clue who she is as she watches me, her lips turned up, her words ready to strike.

“I’ve yet to see you up close,” she murmurs, her voice husky and sexy.

She reaches forward and touches a piece of my hair before her hand drops to her side. “I see that he’s chosen you because you are different. Your features oddly match his coat of arms. You intrigue him I’m sure, but do not think that it will last long, for the Wainwright men oft times have very short attention spans.”

A warning. A bitch. Pressing my lips together, I tilt my head to the side. “And you’re warning me, because?”

“I would hate for a beauty to lose her way, to be hurt. We women must stick together,” she smiles, laying it on sticky sweet.

“Or perhaps you want him for yourself?” I ask.

I know my words have played right into her hand when her light-blue eyes darken and glitter with excitement. She coyly bites her bottom lip and leans forward as if to tell me a secret, making sure to show off her cleavage that’s almost spilling out of her dangerously low cut bodice.

“It’s true, I’ve had him, Your Highness. I liked what I had and I will have him again, but only when he comes to me. I would never disrespect Your Majesty by going to him.”

Yup. Bitch.

“How is he feeling as of late anyway?” she adds softly. “He was at my Copyright 2016 - 2024