Bride of the Traitor (The Prophecy of Sisters #1) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,4

“Elias knows exactly what he’s doing,” he announces as he stops us in front of a rounded, gorgeous, wooden door. Without any fanfare, he tugs the door open and gently pushes me inside.

Spinning around, I’m surprised to see both of them standing just outside of the room. “You’ll stay in here, milady. You will not attempt to venture anywhere or cast any spells of any kind. His Highness will be with you shortly.”

I don’t miss the smirk and tip of his lips as he sends his warning that Super-Hot Rugged Guy will be around to visit me. Opening my mouth, I try to gather the words to ask just what the fuck is going on, but I’m unable to as they slam the door closed.

Holy fuck. Holy shit fuck, fuck.

Chapter Two


“I did not summon her, Your Majesty,” Aleida says.

She isn’t begging, isn’t trying to convince me of anything. She is just telling me the facts that she truly believes. She is far too confident in her own words, but I can’t believe her. Nobody just falls from the gods sky like that.

“Whether or not you summoned her, I demand you find out how she got here. Gods damned, she could have been sent by an enemy,” I growl.

Aleida frowns, then lifts her gaze to meet mine. “She was not dressed as any other maiden I have ever encountered through my travels of this world.”

“No, she was not. A newfound enemy, perhaps?”

The witch nods. “I will see what I can discover, if there is anything to be discovered, Your Highness.”

Turning from her, I start to walk out of her new home, a cell in the dungeon. “If you discover anything, you will tell one of my men immediately.”

Spinning around, I walk away from the witch. She will prove her loyalty to me with this mission. If she is successful, I will have no issue installing her in the castle. If not, she can spend her days in the dungeon for all I care.

My heart twists at the thought of my mother, of how she asked not to be saved by Aleida. Then the idea that she begged the witch to protect me.

There were many times that I should have perished on the battlefield, dozens actually. It’s possible that her enchantments saved my life, protected me. I cannot brush that off, no man could.

Jogging up the spiraling staircase, I make haste as I walk toward the guarded room where this stranger lies. A maid plasters her back against the wall, a handful of folded linens in her grasp. Turning my gaze toward her, I watch as her gaze shifts quickly to the floor.

“I need a warm bath, two lady’s maids, and proper attire brought to the Queen’s chambers, immediately,” I bark.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” she whispers, giving me a small curtsy.

My feet carry me toward the woman. I know not what made me put her in my mother’s chambers, in the Queen’s chamber which is connected to mine by only a sitting room between. It felt right in the moment. Maybe I was bewitched, I’m unsure.

Rowan and Henry are standing guard, just as I’ve instructed. “A bath is being brought to her, along with proper attire,” I announce.

Both of the men dip their chins, but I can feel that they have more to say. “Speak freely,” I grunt.

“In the Queen’s chambers, really, Elias?” Rowan chuckles.

“I know not,” I admit. “It seemed right at the time.”

“I’ll bet it did,” Henry mumbles.

Inclining my head, I look down my nose at him. “Say it,” I demand.

“She was wearing less than a night chemise, Elias. I’ve never seen anything of the like in my entire life. There is something not right about her. Perhaps she is a siren, sent to lure you. I do not think you should sleep so close to her, or with her.”

My jaw clenches and I feel a muscle jump in my cheek at his words. “I will pray on it, I will ask the witch to block this one’s powers, but I will not have my men accusing me of thinking solely with my cock. I am not some rutting boy.”

Rowan’s brow arches. Henry clears his throat. Merek appears at my side just as the boys carrying the bath and water hurry toward us. We all step to the side to allow them entrance, and I fight looking into the room.

I will go in there. I will see her and talk to her. What I will not do is any of that Copyright 2016 - 2024