Bride of the Traitor (The Prophecy of Sisters #1) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,39

what he has to offer. I gasp when he slips something on my finger, a ring.

Looking down, I almost whimper at the sight. It is a yellow diamond ring. The diamond is huge, bigger than I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s an emerald cut, surrounded by black diamonds, and set in a yellow gold band.

It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Lifting my eyes from the ring, I look up into Elias’ now indigo blue gaze. Nothing about his expression has changed, aside from the color of his eyes and I know that he’s trying to hide his feelings, I just wish I knew what they were, what the color of his eyes means. I know what it means when they change color during sex, but I have no clue what he’s thinking right now.

“Your palm, Sybilla,” he murmurs.

Holding my palm out, he drops something in my hand. It’s a man’s ring and my body jerks at the realization that I’ll be slipping this on his finger. He holds his hand out to me, his long, thick finger waiting for its ring.

Pressing my lips together, I slide the ring on his finger and am so mesmerized by it, that my breath hitches. It’s yellow gold, with a row of yellow diamonds in the center, black diamonds on either side and complements mine almost too perfectly.

Lifting my gaze to meet his, he smirks down at me like a true smart-ass, then turns to face the priest. I do the same, my body moving woodenly.

“Kneel,” Elias gently orders as he begins to bend at the knees.

Glancing down, I notice a small black pillow in front of me and slowly I sink to my knees. “Bow your head,” Elias softly commands. I do as commanded. A heavy cloak suddenly drapes my shoulders and two hands reach around to clasp it around my neck. Then I feel something rest against my head. “Your crown, sweeting,” Elias rasps. “Lift your head, Queen of Bunafi.”

I lift my head, the priest is smiling down at us, his eyes sparkling with unshed tears. I don’t understand why he’s crying, but since I didn’t understand anything that he’s said this entire time, maybe he was extremely moved by his own words.

Elias slips his hand in mine and together we rise to our feet. He turns me toward him, gently tugging me closer to his body. My breath hitches when he lifts his hands and cups my cheeks. The indigo blue of his eyes turn black right in front of me.

He grins before he lowers his face, his lips almost touching mine. “You’re not just their queen, Sybilla. You’re mine now,” he growls right before he slants his head and his lips crash against mine in a hard, unyielding, kiss.

“May I be the first to properly introduce the King and Queen of Bunafi.”

The entire room erupts in cheers and applause. Shifting my gaze to Elias, I notice that he’s looking nowhere but straight ahead, his chin jutting out slightly and his eyes looking down his nose. He looks regal, and me? I look like a hot fucking mess at his royal side.

I suddenly realize that this, all of this, it’s real. It’s not a dream. I won’t be waking up from this. It isn’t cosplay. I haven’t been kidnapped. It’s really fucking real. And I’m really his wife. Wife. I’m his wife.

“Elias,” I whimper.

He tilts his head slightly, his eyes shifting to meet mine. “Wife,” he grunts.

“This is real, isn’t it?” I breathe.

His lips twitch. “It is. Now, we eat. I’m starved.”

Without another word, he guides us toward a table. Set on one side are two large chairs, side-by-side, where I assume we’ll be sitting. We walk toward the chairs, and a servant pulls mine out. I can’t hide the disappointment that my new husband didn’t pull out my chair.

Something niggles inside of me. This is only going to be the second meal we’ve shared together and we’re married… married. The word rolls around inside of my head. I’m not sure how it makes me feel, strange. That’s the only way that I can describe it, I feel very strange.

Platters of food begin to appear, along with wine, copious amounts of wine. Plates of meat, cheese, bread, and fruit are settled in front of me, but all I can seem to do is drink. Then, unfortunately, I get drunk. All the while, Elias is none the wiser, because he acts as though I don’t even exist.

Chapter Thirteen


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