Bride of the Traitor (The Prophecy of Sisters #1) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,115

but sealed, Your Majesty. What we did, we needed to do, but we would never abandon your mission as we know it is the most important mission this world has ever known. Fulfilling the prophecy takes precedence over everything. But, we cannot help it come to fruition, we cannot protect you if the goddesses destroy us.”

“What sarding goddesses?” I growl.

“The Erinyes, the goddesses of vengeance and retribution. They are servants of Hades and are trying to sabotage the prophecy, they’re very dangerous and this threat is something we’ve have only just learned of,” Godiva explains.

“What do we do?” I demand.

Aleida lifts her hand, wrapping her fingers around my forearm and squeezes. “You continue to be smart, to watch your backs and pay attention to your surroundings, while Godiva and I continue to do what we do best.”

“Now, I have one thing to ask of Your Majesty,” Godiva dares to say.

Arching a brow, I watch her, waiting to see what she is going to say.

“Release my sister,” she announces, jerking her chin toward the door.

Chapter Thirty-Five


“Your what?” I demand, needing to know that I have not heard her words incorrectly.

Godiva smirks. “Ryia is my sister. Born of my father and a whore he visited regularly much later in his life,” she states. “She is powerful, which is why this wretched king kept her locked away, beneath copper, until he needed to use her magic and her body,” she explains.

Shaking my head, I lift my hand and run my fingers through my hair. “She has power even in that room. She tried to use it on me. She is a siren, most likely sent by Erinyes now that I know what we’re working against.”

Godiva’s lips twitch. “Beneath that copper she has no power, King Elias. If you felt something, it wasn’t because of magic.”

My chest aches as I think about what she’s telling me. I don’t believe it. Ryia is a siren, a temptress and I’ll not believe that just a bit of copper will keep her from attempting to seduce me, the gods powers are stronger than anything man-made.

“I know what I felt. It was otherworldly.”

Godiva dips her chin. “May I speak with my sister, Your Highness?” she asks, keeping her voice softer than usual. She is attempting to make herself seemingly submissive and I wonder if both she and Ryia indeed do have some kind of otherworld powers.

“Go to her, but you’ll not be going alone,” I grunt.

Following behind her, I walk into the siren’s space, yet again and once again I feel a lust fill me that is unnatural. Closing my eyes, I drop my head and wait for this intense moment to end. Godiva moves around, she sinks down in front of her sister and removes the blindfold.

I hear Godiva gasp at the same time I hear Ryia hiss. Lifting my gaze, my eyes widen when I see the sisters face off with one another. The witches are standing several feet away from one another and there is a green mist in the air swirling between them.

“What have you done, sister?” Godiva asks.

Ryia throws back her head and lets out a demonic sounding laugh. Then she drops her chin. “Are you that surprised, Diva? You left me to the wolf. The goddesses have freed me and in return, I am more than happy to do their bidding.”

“I am here for you. I came here to save you,” Godiva states.

Taking a step back, I try to open the door so that my men can come in and possibly guard these witches, these women who are obviously at odds with one another. Aleida is the first one to enter the room and judging by the gasp that she lets out, this must be bad.

My stomach twists, it aches and I shift my gaze back to the women. Godiva has her arms extended, her palms facing Ryia, but Ryia is facing me with a smile on her face, her fingers pointing directly at me.

“What are you doing?” I demand on a wheeze.

She smirks. “Taking your love away, Elias. It is only but a blossoming seed, this will be easy, and then the prophecy will be naught but destruction and doom for this entire world.”

Aleida starts chanting behind me, but I am frozen to my spot. The pain consumes me and I feel as though she is doing more than simply taking my love from my body, it feels as though she is extracting my soul, my marrow from my bones.

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