Bride of the Traitor (The Prophecy of Sisters #1) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,112

the King requests the presence of his bride,” he announces.

My lips twitch into a small smile. I wish that I could climb on Lightning and ride toward Elias as fast as I can, but aside from the fact that Lightning isn’t here, I would probably fall as soon as she started to gallop.

There is a loud neigh from behind me. Frederick chuckles as I turn my head to see the Arion horse appear. “Let me take you to the king on my way home, fair Queen,” he offers.

I let out a shiver at the fact that a horse is talking and I understand him. It’s fucking lunacy. Looking back at my girls, they nod in a silent urge to climb on the massive beast.

“Thank you, I would appreciate that,” I say, making my way up to the giant horse.

Reaching out, I let my hand graze his soft mane and neck. He turns his head toward me and buries his face in my neck with a snort. I let out a laugh, wrapping my arms into his mane.

“What’s your name?” I whisper.

“Leo,” he answers back in his own whisper.

I run my hand down his mane one last time and take a step back as he lowers his front to the ground so that I can climb on his back.

Once I’m seated on his back, I look over at the warriors who watch me. They’re smiling, knowing that I’ll be with Elias in just mere moments instead of at least an hour’s ride to his side.

“Take me to My King please, Leo,” I say.

He neighs as he stands. My fingers grip his mane as he begins to gallop and then he jumps before he extends his wings and with just a few flaps, we’re up in the air and gliding toward the castle on the hill.

Closing my eyes, I let the air whip my hair all around me, feeling free. This ride is nothing like the last time I was on Leo’s back.

This ride is fun, not bathed in terror. Leo swoops down, tilts to the side, then without even a single bump, or jiggle, he lands softly on the cobblestone.

Merek is standing at the entrance of the castle, his smile is blinding when he realizes it’s me riding in on an Arion. Petting Leo, I lean into him and thank him for the ride.

“If ever you need me, Your Majesty, just call out for me, I will listen for you.”

I slide off of him as he speaks his offer, but before I can answer him, he bends his knees and propels himself into the sky, his wings expand and in just a single breath, he is gone. I watch the beauty that is the massive Arion in flight. That is, until I feel Merek’s hand wrap around my elbow.

“He waits for you in the throne room, Sybilla,” he murmurs.

Turning to look at him, I see the question in his eyes. “Katrina is well, I assume that Frederick, Rowan, and Asher will bring her and Jasmine as soon as they can.”

“Ellyn?” he asks.

I shake my head, unable to say the words aloud. Merek understands my meaning, thankfully, and doesn’t demand that I tell him anything else.

Silently, we walk together, side by side until I’m in what I assume is the throne room. Lifting my gaze to the back of the room, I see him. Elias is sitting in a large chair, his hands loosely resting on each arm of the chair, his gaze pointed directly at me.

Sucking in my lips, I take a step toward him, noting that there is an aisle, benches set up on either side that I assume is for the king to come and go. My feet move, one in front of the other as I make my way toward him. Merek’s hand falls from my elbow and I assume that he’s left us alone in this room.

“Come to me, My Queen,” Elias demands, his voice deep and sultry.

My feet carry me to him, I don’t even have to think about it, there is nowhere I would rather be than at his side. My panic from earlier has all but vanished at the mere sight of him. Elias is my family, my home, my life now. Sure, I miss my parents and my sisters, but Elias is where I belong.

“I am now the King of Llyne,” he softly exclaims as soon as I arrive at the base of the stairs that lead up to his throne.

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