Bride of the Traitor (The Prophecy of Sisters #1) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,108

work their adrenaline-induced cocks between my legs.

“I am.”

I laugh. “My sister, unlike me, does not need magic to make herself young and beautiful. She was the youngest in my family, born of my father and a whore. She is only twenty years young. She is held in Llyne because of her beauty and power combined. She deserves to be free, does she not?”

“Why not set her free yourself?” she asks.

Lifting my hand, I murmur the words that conjure what I wish to see. It is a window into my sister’s life. I’ve watched her many times over the past few years, each time her body and mind deteriorate a bit farther. She still remains beautiful to the outside eye, but inside, she is breaking.

“He keeps her in chains, copper chains,” I explain simply.

Aleida gasps. “How did he know?” she demands.

It is true, witches’ powers are unable to work if the witch is bound by copper. He has also infused copper lining in the walls of her rooms. It is not a well-known fact.

I have no idea how this pompous, overweight, disgusting, rapist of a king has discovered this, other than the goddesses having whispered it into his ear. He is simply not knowledgeable enough to know such things.

“I do not know, but without King Elias and his men, she will surely perish beneath this man’s torture. Shall we watch, help where we can?” I ask, shifting my gaze back to Aleida.

“Yes, I would enjoy that, immensely.”

“After, we’ll join in the victory of King Elias’ army, and enjoy the spoils of the men and their bodies,” I offer with a grin.

“What of your sister?” she asks, her brows furrowing.

Licking my lips, I turn to the images in front of me. “Soon enough I will help my sister. For now, she must allow herself to be rescued and her fate to come to fruition as we all must.”

Aleida nods and together we watch, and aide, King Elias and his men to victory. The fall of the evil King of Llyne is a beautiful disaster and I cannot look away as he takes his final breath.

My lips turning up into a victorious smile when his soul leaves his body and no doubt travels downward to find its final resting place with Hades.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Ellyn is gone. Her beauty is only a shell and the vibrance of her light has completely faded. Pinching my eyes closed, I allow Rowan to wrap his hands around my shoulders and guide me away from her body.

The rain falls, yet again. I wonder if this place is this world’s Portland, it always seems to rain. Thunder rumbles all around us, but I ignore it all while I mourn my friend. My beautiful friend.

Two soldiers enter, walking over to her while my tears fall. Without a single word, her body is carried away. Rowan pulls me against his chest, he’s my main source of strength at this moment. I wish that Elias were here, he would hold me the same way, but it would be even more of a comfort.

I shake as I think about what is happening, wondering if Elias is safe. This is all too much. I shouldn’t be here. I should be at home safe in my apartment in Portland. I don’t know how I became some pawn to fulfill a prophecy, but I’m fucking done.

Pressing my lips together, I take a step back and turn away from Rowan. I hear him grunt behind me, probably sensing my mood shift immediately. I can’t take this though. I love Elias. I’ve fallen in love with him, but I can’t stay here.

I just watched my friend die and nobody was even really bothered by her passing. I am not from some ancient world, I’m from modern days with penicillin and surgeons. This isn’t right, this isn’t normal. I need to go.

“Queen Sybilla,” Rowan’s voice calls out, his tone sharp. My spine straightens and I turn around quickly to look at him. “You are panicking, Your Majesty.”

Rolling my lips, I try not to cry, to scream, or just plain run as far as I can from this place. “This isn’t right. I need to go home,” I snap.

He tilts his head to the side. “You’ll be returning to Aerilon shortly. The battle here is almost over, victory is but moments away.”

Shaking my head, I wrap my hand around the front of my throat. “No, I need to go back to my time. This is fucking crazy and the fact that Copyright 2016 - 2024