Bride & Seek (Enchanted Bridal #5) - Samantha Chase Page 0,9

Whitney out there?”

“Preston and…”

Without a word, Dixie took her gently by the arm and led her back to her office. Once they were inside, she closed the door and motioned for Cammie to sit.

Great. Now she was going to be reprimanded because Cade Taylor had kissed her stupid and she couldn’t form a complete sentence. Could this day get any worse?

“Can I get you some water, Cammie?”

She shook her head. “No. Really. I’m fine. Thanks.”

“Are you sure? You sort of came through the door like a linebacker. You’re all flushed and out of breath. I just figured you must have run into your ex out there. He and Whitney just left a couple of minutes ago.”

“I… I saw them,” Cammie began nervously. “But they didn’t see me.” Although she couldn’t know that for sure, but it seemed logical. Maybe they had seen a couple kissing in the lobby, but she doubted Preston would realize it was her.

“Oh,” Dixie said, sounding relieved. “Well, that’s good. But…”

Unfortunately, Cammie knew where this was going. “But they’ve booked with us.”

Nodding, Dixie explained, “I know it’s going to be awkward, but I promise you won’t have to have direct interaction with them. Anna May and I will handle all the one-on-one stuff, and you’ll strictly be behind the scenes.”

Nodding, Cammie couldn’t help but feel more than a little sad. Just when she thought she was starting over, and over the humiliation of being cheated on, she had to deal with this.

“I’m really sorry.”

Taking a steadying breath, she straightened in her seat. “I’ll be fine. Really.” Then she paused. “Can I ask when the wedding is going to be?”

“Three months. End of the month,” Dixie replied softly. “A Sunday brunch.”

She nodded again, trying to process the information even though she didn’t want to. Then she thought about something Cade had said earlier. “Um…did they happen to mention what made them come to Emerald Grove for the wedding? Preston’s family is primarily in Raleigh, and from what little I know of Whitney’s family, they are too.”

“Well, we are fabulous,” Dixie said, going for light and humorous.

Cammie forced a smile.

“Look, remember what we said the other morning about brutal honesty? Well, here it is–Preston mentioned knowing a woman who used to live here. That made his fiancée make a face like she’d sucked on a lemon and we quickly changed the subject. I don’t think either of them knows you work here, but…”

“Preston’s never been cruel. Inconsiderate, yes, but not cruel. I don’t think he’d choose to have a wedding here just to rub it in my face. Whitney might. She’s that type of person.” Feeling like a complete fool, she said, “Either way, I promise it won’t affect my work.”

“I’m really sorry this is all happening. Not the greatest way to start off a new job, huh?”

That had Cammie laughing softly. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I just feel like an idiot because you and Anna May had to witness this.”

“Believe me when I say we all have a history and it doesn’t always come out at the best time.”

“Thank you for being so gracious.”

“We’ll all get through this together,” Dixie replied with a smile. “Anna May mentioned she sort of pushed you out the door earlier. Where’d you go?”

“Oh…um…I just sort of walked around a bit outside.”

“The grounds here are awesome, aren’t they? Every inch of it is perfectly manicured.”

Cammie swallowed hard, trying hard not to think of Cade. “Yes, they are.”

“The crew who takes care of it is amazing. You know it gets done because nothing is ever overgrown and everything is always so pristine, but they’re really never in the way about it. The guests all comment on it–how much they enjoy not seeing and hearing lawnmowers and trimmers buzzing around. Honestly, I don’t know how Cade and the boys get it all done.”

A small shrug was Cammie’s only response.

Dixie’s gaze narrowed. “Are you sure you’re all right? You’re getting all flushed again.”

Dammit. “I’m fine. Really. I…I should get back to work. I have that seating board idea I wanted to present at the meeting tomorrow morning and I need to finish it up.”

“Okay…but if you need to step outside or leave early, let one of us know. We have a light schedule this afternoon, so we’re good.”

With a murmured thanks, Cammie let herself out and made her way to her desk and picked up the nearest piece of paper she could find to fan herself with.

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