Bride & Seek (Enchanted Bridal #5) - Samantha Chase Page 0,15

need to find out–to slip the little silver clip from her hair and then feel for himself if her hair was as soft as he was imagining.

Stargazing and hair clips. Yeah. He was losing it.

“Hey,” he said, slightly breathless when he was beside her. “Are you heading somewhere specific or looking for a place to hide out?”

Cammie stopped and laughed softly, a slow smile crossing her beautiful face. “I’m actually heading down toward the lake to look at the setup for tomorrow night’s wedding. Dixie’s trusting me to do the first round of inspections.”

“Inspections? Really? The crew could probably handle that sort of thing.”

“That may very well be, but I’m feeling kind of jazzed that she’s trusting me to come down here and look it all over on my own. It means she trusts me.”

He nodded. “Mind if I tag along?”

Her smile grew. “I would like that very much.”

“How has your week been?”

“Busy,” she replied. “This pace is somewhat new to me. I majored in hospitality and hotel management–that’s what my degree is in–but I never held a position that kept me running quite like this. I worked for a bridal shop for the last two years and I thought things were hectic there.” Laughing, she shook her head. “It’s not even close. If this keeps up, I’m going to have to switch to sensible shoes.”

There was humor in her voice, and Cade did his best to keep his own horrified reaction off of his face. It would almost be a crime if she had to lose the stilettos!

“Don’t do anything drastic,” he said teasingly. “I see Anna May and Dixie running around here in similar shoes. Maybe you just have to build up a tolerance to it.”

Please let that be a thing! Please let that be a thing!


They turned and were almost on the sand. The lake was man-made and the sand was a fairly new addition to the landscape to give a little more of a beach area for guest to walk along. It had been hell to get the equipment down to the water to tear off so much grass and clear away the brush, but he had to admit that it really looked amazing.

Stopping, Cammie rested a hand on Cade’s arm as she reached down to take off her shoes. “I hate sand in my shoes,” she said with a grin. When she straightened, he noticed how much more petite she looked beside him.

“So…what are you looking for here?” he asked casually, noticing there wasn’t a lot going on.

“For starters, the tents are getting ready to be assembled along with the arbor the bride and groom requested. The weather is supposed to be mild tonight, with no rain in the forecast, so we’re good to get these things done today. The chairs will come out tomorrow. But I need to inspect that everything has been cleaned since the last use and there are no obvious issues or marks on them.”

“The crew does a great job of cleaning everything before it goes back into the storage building,” Cade commented.

“It still needs to be checked. You never know if anything shifted while it was in storage or if it got damaged in transit,” she said, making her way around the equipment that was scattered in the sand. “There are so many pieces…”

Figuring two sets of eyes were better than one, he made his way around inspecting things too. Within minutes, Cammie seemed satisfied that everything was coming along and looked fine. “Will you come out again later and check it once everything’s together?”

She nodded. “And I’ll be doing it all weekend long. It’s another full schedule.”

There went his plans for asking her out over the weekend. Maybe. “So you’ll be here all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?”

She nodded again. “Eventually we’ll get to a point where the schedule will lighten up and we could possibly be on a rotation so we’re both not giving up our weekends. Although really, it’s one of the reasons I was hired–so Dixie and Anna May can have some weekends off. It may be awhile before I actually get into that rotation. And if things continue to grow like we’re hoping, Dixie’s going to have to hire more people.”

“Does that mean you’ll have off Monday and Tuesday again?”

She looked at him–slightly perplexed–until he realized he basically just admitted he’d noticed her work schedule.

And hoped she didn’t find it creepy.

“Um…yes. That’s the plan right now.”

“It’s just…you know…I noticed you weren’t here earlier in the Copyright 2016 - 2024