Bride & Seek (Enchanted Bridal #5) - Samantha Chase Page 0,13

as just a casual, friendly thing. All her life, people had told her how her eyes always gave her away.

Cade repeated her name.

And it looked like they were going to do it again.

Tilting her head back slightly, she looked at him. And was surprised to see the same heat and desire she knew she was feeling. His name was barely a whisper on her lips when he ducked his head and kissed her.

There was no time to think about asking him why; she was too anxious for the feel of him, the taste of him. Cammie’s arms immediately looped around his neck just as his banded around her waist. With the door at her back and Cade at her front, she was exactly where she wanted to be.

Well…maybe not exactly, but it was pretty damn good.

There was no rush this time. Last week in the lobby, it had been a quick and frantic pace–clearly a distraction. But this? This was slow and sweet and oh-so-sexy. And deliberate. She relaxed against him and sighed. Over and over his lips claimed hers and now that her head was clear and she knew he was kissing her because he wanted to, it diminished every fantasy she’d ever had about Cade Taylor.

He was sweet.

He was sexy.

And his kisses were better than any sex she’d had in…well, ever.


Her hands raked up into his hair, and as if of one mind, she hummed and he growled.


Cade lifted his head but immediately took a breath and began kissing her cheek and her jaw–softly whispering her name as he moved. His breath on her skin, along with his hands, which were now moving up and down her back and stopping just shy of cupping her bottom, had her on total sensory overload. Another minute and she’d be tempted to lock the door and take this up a notch.

As his hands began to move a little lower, she was about to say a prayer of thanks when a door down the hall slammed shut. They both jumped and Cade instantly took a step back. Their breathing was ragged. Cammie took a step away and turned when Cade cursed.

Not a good sign.

“Damn, Cammie…your dress…”

She looked down, and sure enough, her yellow dress was now slightly stained with the dirt and grass from his clothes. Her first thought was to try wiping it off, but that only served to smear some of the stains and, therefore, made them worse. “Oh no…”

“It’s on the back too…”

A quick look at her watch showed she had seven minutes to get down to the ballroom to help with tonight’s party. Showing up with a stained dress was so not the way to make an impression on her boss or how she wanted their clients to see her.

Cade looked just as panicked as she felt. “Okay, okay, okay,” he began, “tell me what we need to do? Do you have a change of clothes in the office? Do I need to go and buy you one from the boutique in the lobby?”

Cammie shook her head. “Dammit, that’s something I should always have in case of emergencies! Why didn’t I think of that?” She said it more to herself than to him, but her mind was racing with how she was going to fix this problem.

“Text Anna May and see if she has something you can wear,” he suggested. “You’re about the same size…”

“And how do I explain this to her?” she cried. “Honestly, I’m beginning to think this job is jinxed! I’ve had nothing but bad luck since I started here!” Immediately she realized what she said and saw the small look of shock on Cade’s face. “Cade…I…I didn’t mean…”

He quickly shook his head. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t. We need to get you fixed up. That’s the priority here. Text Anna May and make sure the coast is clear and if there’s something you can change into back at the office.”

Phone in hand, that’s exactly what she did, and, luckily, Anna May had several options for her–because they all knew to keep a change of clothes on hand. Plus, Preston and Whitney were gone. “Okay,” she said with a sigh. “Crisis averted.”

“Good. That’s good.” He paused and looked at her, seemingly unsure what to do or say.

“I really have to go, Cade. We’ve got an event tonight, two tomorrow, and another two on Sunday.” Reaching behind her, she opened the door and stepped aside. “I…I’m sure I’ll see you around.” She had one foot Copyright 2016 - 2024