Bride of the Sea (The Prophecy of Sisters #2) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,80

movement that doesn’t seem like him at all. “Not your bródir. You killed my sorceress. You must die,” he rumbles.

“Nei,” a few of my men shout from around me.

“This is not you, Fiske. Do not give in to the demon inside of you,” I plead.

He throws back his head and a boom of laughter rolls out of his throat. “I have taken him over completely. There is nothing left of the weak man that once inhabited this body.”

Narrowing my eyes on him, I want nothing more than to shove my sword deep into his gut, but I know that the moment I do that, the demon will transfer to my body.

“You will not get away with this, draugr,” I grunt.

He continues to laugh as if this is all nothing more than a pesky little joke to him. “I already have,” he practically purrs.

Lifting my hand, I pump my fist in the air. My men, my closest men know what the sign means. The others will follow suit when we begin to move, they will always follow their konungr’s lead, especially in battle.

Make no mistake.

This is a battle.

The end result is something that I did not want for my brother. I love him and I know that he is still somewhere deep inside, but I cannot bring him to the surface, I cannot kill the demon within him.

My men surround me, and together we march toward Fiske’s body. I refuse to think of this entity as my bródir. It is not him. He takes a step back, then another. He turns toward his ship, then to me before he lets out another inhuman growl.

“You will regret this, Aaric,” he roars.

“I will never,” I state nodding my head once. “Not ever.”

There is a moment of silence. We both freeze in our spots and then Fiske’s lips curve up into an evil smile. “She will be a lovely addition. I intend to find her, to keep her, to breed her.”

“Never,” I roar.

He throws back his head, laughing. The rage builds inside of me and I know this is why he’s saying what he’s saying, acting the way he’s acting. It is because he wants me to kill Fiske’s body.

This draugr wants to leave Fiske and take over my body. I’m sure it’s why Isolda was so angry that I cast her aside. She had been trying to find her way into my soul. I never stayed in Attleview long enough for her to dig her claws into me. Never stayed in her bed long enough either. Never gave her a moment of my time, never gave her an opportunity.

I whistle my signal to my men. They quietly move, coming around and behind Fiske without his notice. Then we close in on him. He must sense the men enclosing him. His body jerks, his eyes turn bright red and he plants his feet wide.

There is a flash of red, it takes over the entire sky.

“Rævhol,” I breathe.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I wake up. My body freezes as soon as I come into contact with the red animal that I’m curled up against. Sucking in my breath, I hold it as I wait for this creature to move, to give me a sign that it’s still as nice as I remembered him when I passed out.


A talking dragon, that’s nice. Then I start to giggle as I think about the cartoon and song, Puff the Magic Dragon.

You find humor as you wake? he grumbles.

“I was just thinking of something, Quest,” I whisper as I sober up immediately.

He grunts as he shifts around in his nest. I sit up, scooting away from him to lean against the back of the edge. Watching him, he stretches and yawns. I hold my breath, hoping that no fire escapes from his mouth.

I let out a sigh when, thankfully, nothing happens. He snorts as if he can read my mind.

“Quest?” I ask. He grunts, sounding exactly like a man. “Is Aaric okay?” I ask.

He is quiet for a moment, lifting his head slightly as he stares out the doorway of his cave. We’re so high in the air that I can’t even see anything but the white clouds that are all around us.

It is quiet, he mutters. I cannot reach him.

“Quest?” I whimper, my bottom lip trembling.

He shakes his head. You and the babe are safe, that is all that matters.

“Baby?” I ask.

His nose flares as he dips his chin. The one you carry in your belly, Liv.

Lifting my hand, I press my Copyright 2016 - 2024