Bride of the Sea (The Prophecy of Sisters #2) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,54

“You had me dragged out of here completely naked. All because you think that I hold some kind of magic? I mean, you didn’t think that I had any when I just poof appeared out of nowhere a few weeks ago? C’mon, this is more than some magic you think I have.”

I grunt, lifting my hand and gathering my hair at the back of my neck, tugging before I release it. “If you control the weather, that can destroy a country, the people’s lives within it, the surrounding islands under my control. My people can be wiped from the earth, especially if you cannot control that magic.”


Watching him, seeing the worry etched in his eyes, I wonder if both of us have possibly overreacted. I have to remember that as new and scary, downright terrifying, this is for me, it is probably the same for him.

Licking my lips, I watch him for another moment, taking in his tattoos on his face, wondering why they are so damn sexy?

Then I clear my throat. “I liked you, a lot, Aaric,” I admit. His brows snap together in confusion and I can’t help but smile. “You hurt me by doing what you did. You humiliated me. I don’t know if I can ever forgive you for any of that.”

He doesn’t argue with me, he also doesn’t apologize. Instead, he takes a step toward me, and another, until he is directly next to me. I wait for him to crawl onto the furs next to me, but he stays completely still.

“Aaric,” I warn.

He clears his throat, then turns and sinks down on the edge of the furs. “We leave in two weeks on a raid. You will join me.”

“We need to talk about all of this, Aaric. I deserve an explanation, in the least. An apology, at the most.”

I watch as his lips twitch into a small smile. He lifts his hand and I hold my breath as he cups my cheek. His touch feels too good and I hate myself for leaning into it. This man completely destroyed me just hours ago and now here he is being sweet. I hate it and I love it all at the same time.

He shakes his head once, his thumb sliding across my bottom lip, dragging my flesh with it. “Fated by the gods. A gift to me that I don’t know if I am capable of holding on to,” he mutters.

“You don’t have a choice,” I state. His brows rise and I think about shifting from his touch, but I’m enjoying it far too much. Licking my bottom lip, I smile as my eyes flutter closed. “We’re bound to one another, Aaric. I cannot leave this world without you. You’re stuck with me.”

He hums, his face softening. “A wife should always be available to her husband, this isn’t such a bad thing.”

“It is if you’re the wife and you want the fuck out of here,” I snap.

“I will have you beneath me, víf. You will never want to leave me. My child grows inside of you.”

Laughing softly, I press my lips together. “In my world, sometimes women raise their children alone, without a father. Do you really think that knocking me up will be a reason that I will want to stay?”

“We are not in your world,” he says matter-of-factly.

I hum. “Yes, but I am of my world, Aaric, and I am not afraid to raise a child alone.”

Without even a hesitation, without a thought, I watch as he throws back his head. Laughter fills the room, bouncing off of the stone walls and I lift my hand, pushing his arm away from me.

The asshole.

Pushing away from him, I slip off of the bed on the other side, standing across from him as he laughs it up like the jackass that he is. Stomping my foot, I let out a growl of frustration.

“You are funny, sváss.”

“I’m not trying to be funny, I’m serious,” I grind out.

The humored look leaves his face and I watch as his eyes turn black, with what I can only describe as fury. He stands to his feet, straightening his tall body as he looks down his nose at me from across the bed.

“You are not trying to be funny?” he asks, his tone lethal.

Instead of speaking, I choose this moment to find my silence as I keep my eyes focused on his blue ones and shake my head slowly from side to side.

“Nei, Liv,” he growls. “Nei.”

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