Bride of the Sea (The Prophecy of Sisters #2) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,22

her voice, it sounded very meaningful. Holding her for another moment, I let out a sigh and release her. “Standa,” I demand.

“Stand?” she asks.

Dipping my chin, I grin. “Standa,” I repeat.

Her lips twitch into a small smile. “Stand,” she repeats.

Shaking my head once, I turn away from her and head toward Gunnar. He shouts out an order and the men grunt as they fulfill his demand. Grinning, I must admit that this is my favorite part of sailing.

We’re so close to home and yet still far enough that it will take some time and effort of all the men, together as a team, to guide us home safely. There is something about heading home from a trip, especially a successful raid. Everything is just that much sweeter as you guide the ship toward the dock.

“We’re close,” Gunnar announces as the men push themselves harder and harder. The rest of our fleet are behind us. As always, my ship always comes into the port first—always.

Lifting my head, I search for Liv. She is where I left her, except she is now sitting and leaning over, taking in her new home.

My lips curve up into a smile. I’m far more excited than I should be to introduce her to my people, but I can’t help it. This is all so new to me, every single part of it, and I can’t deny that the excitement is almost overwhelming.


Aaric practically flies off of the boat when it is tethered to the wooden dock. I don’t know why, but I expected something grander. It is a very plain, simplistic dock. Lifting my hand, I slip my fingers inside of Aaric’s waiting one.

I try to take a step from the rocking boat to the dock, but Aaric is far too impatient. I let out a cry as he leans down, wrapping his hands around my waist and picks me up from the boat before slamming me down on the wooden dock.

Placing my palms on his chest to balance myself, I tip my head back and look up into his eyes. “Excited?” I ask.

He grins, obviously not understanding my words, but possibly my tone. His lips are turned up, a huge grin with his straight white teeth. I don’t know how he has such white teeth that are actually straight, when it doesn’t look like braces are part of these people’s lives, but he does.

“Koma,” he urges.

Rising to my toes, I touch my mouth to his. “Okay, Aaric, I’ll come with you,” I murmur against his lips.

I don’t kiss him. He doesn’t kiss me either. Instead, he takes a step back from me, laces his fingers with mine and tugs me gently behind him as he heads toward the crowd that has gathered at the end of the dock.

Nobody walks in front of us, or beside us. This is Aaric walking toward his people. I see women young and old looking all around us, at us, and behind us. I assume they’re looking for their husbands and sons.

A woman steps through the crowd, they seem to part for her, and my stomach drops. Something inside of me knows exactly who she is, who she must be, and I am sick.

I never thought to ask.

My body completely took over my good senses and I didn’t ask. He never told either, but it never crossed my mind.

“Aaric,” she purrs.

I close my eyes, the pain that radiates through me is almost palpable. Opening my eyes, I take her in. She’s beautiful, curvy in all the right places with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She doesn’t even spare me a glance, her eyes are for Aaric, and only Aaric. If she notices me, I am insignificant.

“Isolda,” he grunts.

To his credit, Aaric does not push me away, he doesn’t pull her close either. He dips his chin and stares down at her. Her smile falters slightly right before her gaze flicks to me, then back to meet his.

She breathes something, and judging by the way her eyes roam over my body before she shifts her attention back to Aaric, it isn’t something that I would particularly like.

My heart hammers against my chest. I want to push him away, to turn around and run, but I don’t. Standing one step behind him and to his side, I am frozen in my place, my hand in his.

There is a long pause, Aaric stays silent for far too long and my stomach clenches even harder as pain rips throughout my entire body. Copyright 2016 - 2024