Bride of the Sea (The Prophecy of Sisters #2) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,130

and tugging her against my chest. She lifts her hand and touches the dragon image imprinted on my chest.

“Are there others like you in this land?” she asks softly.

She yawns as she curls against my chest. Hillevi has never asked me much about my dragon, this is new and I find that I quite like it. Running my fingers up and down her back, I hum.

“There are. We are a very private species,” I explain. “We prefer to be on our own, with our mate and our family. Though, I have it on authority that many live in the different islands around Wolfjour Ail.”

Hillevi lifts her head, resting her chin on my chest as she looks into my eyes. “Will our babe be a dragon?” she asks.

I grin down at her, cupping the back of her head with my palm. “It may come out as a dragon, but it will be a halfling. That is like asking if the child will be born with the ability of a seer just because you have the gift.”

“I cannot imagine a dragon coming out of me,” she grimaces. “That would tear me apart, Quest.”

Chuckling, I shake my head. “Our child would not harm you, Hillevi, I would not allow it to.”

“You would not be able to control it.”

Shrugging a shoulder, I roll over so that I am on top of her. Fitting my hips between her thighs, I look down into her beautiful gaze. “I will not allow you to be harmed, Hillevi. Believe me, trust me. I will not allow you to be hurt in any way.”

“But you don’t know exactly what will happen?”

I shake my head once. “Nei, elskask, we can never know what lies ahead for us. We must have faith in the gods that all will work out as it is meant to.”

Hillevi presses her lips together, lifting her head slightly before she brushes her mouth across my own. We don’t speak again, instead, we take pleasure in one another’s bodies before we eventually fall asleep, our evening meal forgotten, too full on one another’s bodies instead.

Chapter Five


Slipping out of bed, I quickly grab the necklace and shove it deep in the pocket of my dress. Then, I decide to make something to break our fast. I make biscuits, bacon, and get some eggs from my chickens. I will miss this little farm in the woods. It wasn’t much, but it was mine and it has been my shelter and peace for five years.

I don’t hear him get out of bed, but he wraps his arm around my waist, tugging me backward before he touches his lips to my neck. “It smells delicious,” he rasps.

Turning my head, I look back at him. “I don’t think that I have ever seen you eat an actual meal, Quest.”

He chuckles, nipping my shoulder before he takes a step back and stretches. My eyes automatically leave his and travel down to his exposed length. He’s hard, ready for play, and I have to press my thighs together at the sight.

“You have never cooked for me, elskask,” he grunts.

Lifting my eyes up to meet his, he is grinning at me, arching a brow as if he knows exactly what I was gawking at. Turning back to the food, I shrug a shoulder.

“You were always so intent on living in your cave, bringing me raw animals.”

There is a moment of silence, I think that perhaps he has left me, but he hasn’t. Plating the food, I turn around and carry it over to the table. He’s already sitting down across from me, completely naked, watching me.

“You enjoy this simple life, living in this small cabin,” he murmurs.

It isn’t a question, but rather a statement. I nod my head once, reaching for a piece of bacon and bring it to my lips. Chewing slowly, I watch him, waiting to see what he will say next.

“Would you like to stay here?”

“Alone?” I ask.

He shakes his head once. “Nei, Hillevi. You are my fated mate, you will never be alone again.”

My belly whooshes and I can’t deny that I do quite like the sound of that, fated mate. He takes a bite of the biscuit, his lips turn up into a wide grin.

“We will live here, use the nest as a place to get away?”

“Are you telling me or asking me?”

He laughs softly. “Both perhaps.”

“You truly mean it? To live here and only visit the cave. You would be willing to live in your human form? You realize Copyright 2016 - 2024