Bride of the Sea (The Prophecy of Sisters #2) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,123

the king practically growls. He seems just as jovial as my own husband and I almost roll my eyes at him, but decide against the action.

Aaric grunts, obviously agreeing with him. Together, the four of us walk toward Sybilla’s massive castle. Elias tells a few of his men to get our things and board the horses, then get the men some food and sleeping quarters.

Once we’re inside, I try not to gawk in awe of the opulence of Sybilla’s home. It makes me truly believe that Aaric’s homeland is way more archaic in all ways.

“Come to the chancery,” Elias announces.

Sybilla’s arm links with mine and Aaric stays close to my side as we make our way through the entryway and into an office. Before Elias can sit down, Sybilla takes the baby from him and slips him into my arms.

He’s absolutely perfect, in every single way. I tear up at the sight of him, knowing that this must be the work of some gods somewhere, we found one another, finally.

“How did you find out Sybilla was here? Your man just left this morning to take a letter back to you.”

Slowly, I turn to look at Aaric. He isn’t looking at me though. Instead, his jaw is clenched. We have to tell them that there was a witch who told us that Sybilla was here. That we thought he was the one who delivered the letter and came back to us by spiriting himself somehow.

“Does this mean that he was spying?” Sybilla asks.

I let out a sigh of relief. It doesn’t matter one way or the other, they are safe, they are all alive and that was our main reason for coming here. Aaric explains all of this to them. Elias frowns throughout the story, then his lips twitch into a smirk.

“This prophecy, it is real,” he mutters. “Sybilla and the babe are safe. I have two witches who have kept protection spells, and will keep them, over the two of them. What happens next?” he asks.

“Do you think we should send scouts to the other parts of the world for my other sisters?” Sybilla ask.

Elias and Aaric both lift their gazes and jerk their chins up at one another. “It isn’t a bad idea,” Elias murmurs.

“It is not. Do you have a map?”

“I do,” Elias grins.

Sybilla and I look at one another, our lips curve up into huge smiles. “We’re going to see our sisters soon,” we both squeal at the same time.



Inhaling, I roll over and place my hands beneath my cheek as I watch my husband’s profile. He is staring at the ceiling, one of his hands behind his head, the other down to his side. My eyes search the side of his shaved head, his face, then his chest and side until I reach the sheet covering that is pulled up to his waist.

“You have something to say, víf?” he asks, continuing to look at the ceiling.

“Thank you, Aaric,” I whisper.

He turns his head, those light blue eyes of his flashing as soon as they find mine. “For?”

Licking my lips, I press them together. “You brought me to my sister,” I exhale. “Without hesitation, you just loaded us up on your ship and made the journey.”

“Have you not discovered it yet, fagr?” I hum, arching a brow. “I indeed love you, Liv.”

My lips turn up into a smile. “Thank all the gods and goddesses, because I fell in love with you before even, I realized it.”

“Come to me, Liv,” he rasps.

Without hesitating, I climb onto my husband, straddling his hips with my thighs. He shoves the sheeting down between us, exposing his length. He’s hard, and I sigh as I feel him against my pussy.

His hands wrap around my hips, guiding me along the underside of his length. Biting my bottom lip, I tip my chin and look into his blue eyes. They aren’t glowing yet, but that has been my goal every time. I want his talisman to glow, I want to float, I want it all.

He grins as if he knows exactly what I’m thinking. I feel his hand between us, aligning his cock with my entrance, slowly, I take him inside of me. His hands move up my sides, then cup my breasts.

“Ride me, my dróttning.”

I do. Keeping my eyes focused on his, I ride my king. It doesn’t take me long to climb higher and higher, my body beginning to burn hot with that familiar sensation. He grunts, his fingers pinching and tugging Copyright 2016 - 2024