Bride of the Sea Monster - Eve Langlais Page 0,34

those tasty bits tugged hard. I looked past the fountain to the dais on the other end. Big and overbearing, meant to make those who approached feel intimidated and small.

The only thing small was the guy’s dick. Only someone insecure would need a throne so big.

Carved from the remains of some massive skull, the chair didn’t look one bit comfortable, which might have explained the sour expression of the fellow sitting on it. Part man, part fish, he wore a toga and a crown. Probably the king.

I found him less interesting than the woman standing beside him. In her thirties or forties with frizzy hair, she appeared quite attractive and was more than passing familiar. I’d met her briefly for dinner the first night. A fact that I’d practically forgotten in the haze of the alcohol I’d imbibed that night.

The name tickled past my lips. “Dorothy?”

Nothing in her gaze showed recognition. She stood still as a statue on the other side of the throne, a heavy necklace of pearls dangling around her neck. I wondered if Shax knew she was here.

The king chose to address me. “Killian Kraken.” A moue of distaste emerged with my name. “It’s been a while since I’ve had to deal with one of your family. I thought you’d all died out in Hell.”

“Not quite.”

“But soon…” That mouth curled knowingly.

A reminder that I shouldn’t waste time. “You stole my wife.”

“Stole? That’s a hefty accusation. I assure you, the sea witch is here by choice. Aren’t you?” He glanced over at Dorothy, who did not react.

“Not her. I’m talking about Sasha.”

“I am not familiar with the name.”

“She also goes by Bianca Farseer.” Would she add a hyphenated Kraken to it, or would she immediately file for an annulment and forget about me? “Your goons stole her from my room in order to force me to come to you so that you could make me some lame offer.” I spat the words.

The king laughed and leaned forward with a smirk. “You think I stole the seer to bargain with you? Idiot. What need have I of a kraken? Big, useless fools.”

“You stole Sasha to use her.” Flatly stated as he flipped the narrative on me.

“Why else? She and the witch will be useful.”

“Where is my wife?” I growled.

“Secured in a cell.”

The statement, so boldly dropped, stunned. The beast inside me shoved at my skin, reacting to my emotions. Feeding on my anger. My terrible, terrible anger.

“Release her at once.” My voice deepened.

“Making demands in my throne room?” A brow arched. “Brazen. But then again, what can I expect from a dumb beast. You know, it’s said that your brain mass in comparison to your size is one of the smallest in the animal kingdom.”

The insult, meant to prick, did nothing but bring a cold smile to my lips. “You really shouldn’t insult me.”

“Or what?” The king swept a hand, his tone thick with mockery. “You’re on land. Without an army. Whereas I have guards all around this room, and more just outside waiting for a signal. They will spear your carcass at the snap of my fingers. Even if they fail, I have my new sea witch. I’ve been looking for a reason to try her.”

Finally, Dorothy’s gaze moved a fraction, her lips trying to tug into a snarl.

As much a prisoner as Sasha. I’d have to help her escape as well, or my uncle would probably beat my ass. If I had an ass to beat when this was all over.

I narrowed my gaze. “You really are messing with the wrong person.”

“Funny, because I had my new seer look into the future for me. And according to her, she can’t see you in any of them.”

My turn to offer an even wider smirk of disdain. “Did she also happen to tell you she can’t see my future at all? That I’m an unknown?”

“My guess would be because it ends here.” The king waggled his fingers. “Captain, have your soldiers take care of him.”

“Aye, Your Majesty. You heard the king. Kill him.”

The spears came flying out from between the pillars, and I had a moment to realize I’d fucked up. I’d gotten used to the respect given to me as a monster of the sea. But in this shape, I was nothing. Nothing but fragile meat.

I moved, dodging a spear, hissing as another scored across my ribs, tearing shirt and skin. Close, too close.

I did my best to weave, but I was bound to be hit at some Copyright 2016 - 2024