A Bride for the Prizefighter - Alice Coldbreath Page 0,90

an establishment such as this by the bonds of matrimony—” He checked himself again, his icy blue eyes ablaze. “In short madam, I cannot think how such a thing came about. I had the utmost respect for your parents. You will have to pardon me, if you find my words unpalatable, but I have made it a habit in this lifetime to speak only the truth.”

Mina was silent a moment before answering him. She remembered how her father had held this man in such high esteem and how bitterly he had been disappointed when Sir Matthew had failed to even reply to any of his letters this past year. “I’m afraid I would know nothing of such life choices, Sir Matthew. As a mere woman, I am seldom afforded such luxuries.”

He turned rather red at that and stood up from his chair, turning his back to her as he stared out of the window. He was silent a moment before speaking. “I will give you the benefit of the doubt and imagine you are unaware of the evil reputation of this establishment,” he said practically gnashing his teeth. “I cannot fathom how a gently raised woman could find herself in such a predicament. In short, madam, I am appalled that a person I once entrusted my charge’s welfare to, that someone who could claim themselves to be a connection, is in any way associated with such a place as The Merry Harlot.” His lip curled over the name of the inn and Mina felt herself inwardly seethe at the pomposity of the man.

“Can you not?” Mina answered, feeling her color rise. “Then allow me to enlighten you, Sir Matthew. My father placed me in my half-brother’s hands on his death. He had little other option after all our benefactors fell by the wayside and our school failed.” She let that barb sink before continuing. “My brother, Lord Faris arranged this match for me. And if he thought it a fit match, then I cannot see why you should question that.”

“Lord Faris?” Sir Matthew wheeled around from the window, an incredulous expression on his face.

“Jeremy Vance, fifth Viscount Faris is my half-brother,” Mina confirmed.

Sir Matthew was visibly stunned. “I never heard of any connection between your two families.”

“Why should you have?” Mina asked coolly. “My mother was divorced, perhaps you were unaware of the fact.”

His expression flickered. Clearly, he had not been aware. “I held your mother in the very highest esteem,” he said stiffly.

Mina remembered how her mother had presided so prettily over those gatherings their governors were invited to. “Yes, I expect you would,” she said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Sir Matthew,” she said rising to her feet. “I’m afraid I am terribly busy this morning—”

“Mrs. Nye, it is you who must excuse me,” he cut in, striding forward, and standing in front of her. “I’m afraid I let my natural feeling run away with me. It was not my intention to insult you and neither is it my place to upbraid you. I was not in full possession of the facts,” he said, frankly. “In truth, I came to thank you for your intercession the other day.” His lean cheeks flushed. “If you had not stepped in, my ward would have been ruined indeed.”

Mina inclined her head. “I was glad to do Cecily a good turn and I’m pleased if you were able to smooth that business over.”

“Only by following your advice,” he said with a bitter laugh. “My temper would have gotten the better of me on that occasion also if you had not intervened.”

“I am happy indeed, if I was able to offer advice that was beneficial for Cecily,” Mina answered colorlessly.

“It may be that I can see my way to offer you some respite from your current predicament,” he hesitated. “Cecily is at a difficult age, too old for a governess, yet far too naïve to let loose in society as I have recently learned to my cost. I have been thinking and it may be wise—”

“Sir Matthew, allow me to stop you there.” Mina cut across his words. “I am not in need of respite. I am a married woman. You mistake my situation.”

He fell silent at that. “Do I?” he muttered. “I do not think so, Mrs. Nye. Indeed, I fear there will come a time when you are desperately in need of rescuing from this… place.” Mina looked back at him, tight-lipped. When he realized she had no more to say

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