A Bride for the Prizefighter - Alice Coldbreath Page 0,147

an agreement. “It didn’t matter what happened to me,” he admitted. “Not at that point. I wanted them all to swing for it. For daring to raise a hand against you. No-one will ever do so again,” he vowed. “I’ll kill anyone who ever tries.”

“I know.” She thought briefly of Reuben’s crumpled body before shutting that memory away. If she could have cuddled into Nye closer, she would have, but there was not an inch to spare between them.

He met her untroubled gaze frankly a moment, then shook his head. “Now tell me about every minute you’ve spent away from me.”

She reached up and pressed the pad of her forefinger to his frowning brow as she told him the whole unvarnished story as swiftly and in as economical words as possible.

He didn’t interrupt, even if he did breathe in sharply and narrow his eyes at a couple of points. At the parts about Sir Matthew she slid her hands up his shirt and stroked his muscular back by way of comfort, marveling that he could be so jealous. It seemed ridiculous to her, but she trod carefully all the same. “So, you see,” she said teasingly, “My virtue is firmly intact.”

His eyebrows rose at this. “You’re lying on the floor of a coach with your tits out and my cock still in you,” he pointed out.

She slapped a hand against his back. “Nye!”

“It’s the truth, love,” he smirked. “Your ideas of virtue have taken quite a battering since we got wed.”

“There’s no need to be crude,” she said, pressing her lips together.

He gave a soft laugh. “That prim look doesn’t work when I’m buried between your thighs, Minerva.” He dropped his words, low and intimate and flexed his hips, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. “God knows, it’s my favorite spot in all the world.”

“Nye,” she whispered, feeling him grow hard again.

He dropped his mouth to hers for a tender kiss. “Get up on your knees, love. We’ve still got a good ten minutes of even road.”

She gaped. “Nye, we need to set ourselves to rights! They’ll be waiting for us at the inn, wanting to shake your hand and wish you well-,”

“Well, I only care about what I want, right now,” he growled pulling out of her and dragging her up from the floor. “Because I’ve been in abject misery for three days thinking I’d lost my future with you.” He bent her forward, so her chest was pressed into the cushioned seat and then settled behind her, bunching her skirts to her waist.

“But that’s ridiculous—” She broke off with a groan as he thrust back into her, the front of his powerful thighs pressing into the back of hers. “Oh Will!”

“Mmm,” he grunted, one hand sliding around her hip and diving between her thighs to rub against her most sensitive spot. “I think you like being ravished in a coach, wife.”

Mina turned her face, so her cheek was pressed against the cushioned seat. “Oh!” she panted. “Oh Will,” her eyes drifted shut.

“Tell me,” he insisted.

“Yes,” she sobbed. “Anywhere with you.”

He started a vigorous pace, driving into her so briskly, she struggled to catch her breath. “Anywhere?” he echoed, sounding intrigued. “What if I’d wanted you in my cell. With your back against the bars”

She gave a choked laugh. “As if you’d ever ask such a thing of me.” She couldn’t resist pointing out.

“Don’t be so sure...” he answered darkly.

“You wouldn’t even look me in the eye in that holding room!”

His hands slid up over her waist, urging her to straighten up from the seat. When she did, he cupped her generous breasts, pulling her back firmly against him, even as he kept thrusting. “Don’t imagine for one minute that I didn’t think about it,” he panted. “Because the thought of never spending inside your hot little cunt again, nearly made me weep.”

Mina reached down and grasped the seat hard. “Nye!” she gasped.

“You’re mine, Minerva,” he said richly. “Say it.”

‘I’m yours.”

His mouth nuzzled at the back of her neck. “Don’t you ever forget it, wife.”

“Or you,” she panted, making him give a broken laugh.

“I’m not likely to,” he groaned, his hips picking up the pace further. “Everyone knows you keep me on a short fucking leash, woman.”

Minerva made a sound of explosive disagreement as he ran his thumbs hard over her nipples.

“Oh yes, you do,” he whispered huskily against her temple. “And I don’t give a fuck who knows it.” He planted a hand on her upper back

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